Squall 15
'Breathtaking! Party Politics Square Up'
Summer 1997 (60pp A4)
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The State It's In / Liverpool Dockers / News Of The Skews / McLibel Latest / Heroin in ex-mining towns / Mark Thomas interview / Surveillance On Protesters / Nevermind The Ballots: London RTS for Liverpool Dockers / CCTV / No Runway 2 - Manchester Airport Protests / Travellers' School / BP's operations in Colombia / Gorleben Trainstopping / Exodus Collective Update / Reviews / Letters / Contacts and more...
The State It's In - Editorial
The surreal morning after we'd finally got rid of the Tories
- page 4
Harbouring Dissent In Merseyside
The Reclaim The Future weekend of action in Liverpool last September brought together DIY groups and sacked Liverpool Dockers. Ally Fogg reviews the event and the history of the dockers’ case.
- page 9
With the mammoth McLibel trial verdict pending, Squall has the update on the tenacious stance of Steel and Morris against the might of McDonald’s.
- page 21
Wrong Side Of The Tracks
Since the pit closures of the early '90s there has been a disturbing increase in heroin use in ex-mining communities. Annie Taylor investigates.
- page 22
Thomas The Prank Engine
Sam Beale interviews stand-up comedian Mark Thomas whose television series The Mark Thomas Comedy Product has ruffled a fair few feathers in high places.
page 26
Watch With Big Brother
“To be feared is not to be respected and without respect, community cannot exist.” Seamus O’Conner reviews the implications of new police powers of ‘intrusive surveillance’.
- page 28
Square Dancing
In case you only learned of the event through the media’s negative coverage, here is the story of the March for Social Justice retold in pictures by Ivan Coleman and Nick Cobbing.
- page 32
Too Close Circuit For Comfort
The government claims a new spy camera, dubbed Pubemaster 2000 by privacy campaigners, will aid clampdowns on terrorists. Gibby Zobel reviews the implications of its wider uses and abuses.
- page 34
Ally Fogg reports on the ‘No Runway 2’ protestors at Manchester Airport who took to the tunnels to protect hundreds of acres of mature woodland and green belt areas.
- page 36
Skool’s Out (And About)
Sam Beale visits the Travellers' 'Skool' to find out how they teach it on the road.
- page 40
Building Bridges
A new report written by a Church of England lay minister is positively candid in its appraisal of the Exodus Collective. Jim Carey talks with the author.
- page 42
The Drilling Fields
Debbie Young investigates claims that any opposition to British Petroleum’s operations in the Casanare region of Colombia is regularly met with violence.
- page 46
15,000 people protest in Germany against the transportation of nuclear waste to Gorleben reprocessing plant. By Ben Taverner
- page 48
Wh’appen With The Exodus Collective?
Squall has the update from the massive but passive Luton Collective who’s battles to offer alternatives to ‘Misspent Youth’ rage on.
- page 50
News And Other Busyness
Pg. 5.
Damages Limited
- new guidelines put police payouts to £50,000 maximum
Limited Disclosure
- legal experts warn of wrongful convictions due to law change
Roisin McAliskey Still Held
- pregnant Irish prisoner held without charge faces extradition
Cannabis Use In Prison Falls
- prisoners switch to heroin as drug test crackdown fails
Pg. 6.
New Law To Close Clubs
- Entertainment Licences Act will lead to greater dangers
Half BAe Shareholders Protest Against Arms
- directors shouted down by protesters at AGM
Douglas Inquiry Doubts
- family of man who died in police custody free to challenge verdict
Inflated CCTV Action
- brainless activist rescued by fire service
Pg. 7.
Rochester Refugees End Hunger Strike
- refugees detained without charge or time limit
FUKD On Cake
- two MPs made 'laughing stock' by spoof drug outrage
Pg. 8.
Lords Back Holtsfield
- residents win but developer becomes landlord
For Their EDS Only
- 'Big Brother' information systems
Clearances Revisited
- Pressmennan Wood protesters arrested
Pg. 10.
Homophobes May Be Gay
- Outrage! target MPs and George Carey on gay stance
Handshakes In High Places
- freemasons in the criminal justice system
Pg. 11.
Wider Powers Given To Police In New Act
- your guide to the Police Act 1997
Marlow Given Leave To Appeal
- High Court says 'incitement' case needs re-examining
Protests Ruled Illegal
- CJA test case turn-around confirms police powers
Pg. 12.
Cheers Woody - King Hemp
- actor wears hemp to Oscars
Copex Forced To Pay Up
- arms exhibitors fail to evade £32,000 legal costs
Alco-shakes Aimed At Children
- does what it says on the tin
Pg. 13.
Surprise Dump Decision Throws Nuclear Industry Into Turmoil
- Gummer refuses go-ahead for waste dump in Cumbria
Last Respects To Judi Bari
- inspirational eco-activist dies at 47
Four Go Down In Lewes
- Shoreham live export protesters jailed, verdict astonishes judge
B-right-on Festival Not On
- annual festival of freedom victim of new 'drug misuse' guidelines
Police Accused Of Cooking Books
- but luckily they will be investigating themselves
Pg. 14.
Kingshill Collective Safe For Present
- planning refusal decision overturned on technicality in High Court
Patcham Travellers Face Eviction
- land now ear-marked for supermarket
McDonald's Annual Report
- Mickey and Ronald sign pact for world domination
Pg. 15.
Ice Shelves On The Move
- polar crack may be evidence of global warming
Scottish Travellers Go To Europe
- family accuse council of discrimination in planning dispute
Pg. 16.
Read All About It
- police impound alternative skit on Evening Standard
Packing Them In
- Tina Johnson reviews the implications of recent withdrawals of Housing Benefit
- page 17.
News Of The Skews
The March For Social Justice in central London in April gets the 'media riot act' and Brazilian Aids victim labelled “illiterate syphilitic” by Tebbitt
- page 19.
Ex-Actors Of Parliament
Shed no tears - it’s yer Squall political graveyard
- page 20.
The Voice Of Treason
Mark Kelly imagines ten possible ends for Rupert Murdoch
- page 31.
Lofty Tones
Global Village Idiot Tony Allen states his case for suing Nirex
- page 39.
Road Rage
Round-up of road-protest action around the country
- page 44.
Snippets of informed gossip, intrigue and odd occurances
- page 45.
Jewel In The Mud Award
The Independent calls for more 'reality' and less hysteria about Ecstasy
- page 49.
Books, videos, theatre & music - page 52-56.
Sleaze: The Corruption of Parliament - Sam Beale reviews this book by David Leigh & Ed Vulliamy
Stilled Tongues: From Soapbox To Soundbite - Andy Johnson reviews this book by Stephen Coleman
It's Not A Runner Bean... - Sam Beale reviews this book by comedian Mark Steel
Altered State: The Story of Ecstasy Culture and Acid House Ally Fogg reviews this book by Matthew Collin with John Godfrey
The Web Of Life - Jay Griffiths reviews this book by Fritjof Capra
The Hemp Revolution - review of video by Mick Marlow
Redemption Song - Sam Beale reviews Banner Theatre's production
In-Sites - Annette Hed surfs the web
Alt.Mags - some selections of quality UK alternative print media
Music Reviews - with Top Ten Free Party Top Chunes
- page 56.
The Write Stuff
Letters to Squall - page 57-58.
A Brixton Challenge - gentrification in Brixton hangs over Squall benefit gig
Exodus Brothers Deny Birdie - Exodus members bang to rights in wedding Birdy Song shocker
Hot Dam - heads up about planned events in protest against the Euro-Top EU summit in Amsterdam in June
Don’t Be A Weed About Hemp - the absurdity of Cannabis prohibition
Anarchic Boredom - the fluffy vs spikey debate rolls on...
Mickey Mouse Surveillance - thoughts about the rise of state surveillance
- page 59.
Special offer
Your very own Swampy commemorative plate
- page 31.
Captions for gorgeous prizes
- page 43.