News and other Busyness
Homophobes May Be Gay
Outrage! target MPs and George Carey on gay stance.
Squall 15, Summer 1997, pg. 10.
TEN gay activists scaled the walls of Lambeth Palace, home of the Archbishop of Canterbury, George Carey, in April, in protest at the Anglican Church’s stance on gay rights.
Outrage! say comments by Carey that the two options for Christians are marriage or celibacy, "endorses the continuing victimisation of gay people”.
And well-known heterosexuals in the House of Commons may protest too much about their straightness, according to Outrage!
The direct activists sent a letter to 20 MPs in March asking them to take a test which may reveal latent homosexual urges.
Research in the United States carried out by psychologist Henry E Adams, of the University of Georgia, showed that men who said they were exclusively straight were aroused by gay videos.
Professor Adams concluded his research showed that homophobia is a form of "latent homosexuality where persons are unaware of or deny their homosexual urges”.
To test the theory further Outrage! invited 20 MPs who had displayed strong anti-gay feelings to take the test, including Michael Portillo, who opposed the admission of gays to the armed forces while defence secretary; Peter Lilley who voted against reducing the age of consent to 16; and Ian Paisley.
All the MPs declined the offer.