Squall 14
'All Fired Up'
Autumn 1996 (72 PP tabloid)
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The State It's In / RTS on the M41 / Simon Sunderland / Ploughshares women acquitted after disarming Hawk jet / Manchester Monastery occupation / Surviving The JSA / Criminalising Festival-Travellers-Ravers / Festivals Under Attack / State Of Travellers 96 / Rural Planning Permission / Banner Theatre / Fairmile Road Protest / McLibel Latest / McLibel Special Branch / RTZ in Bougainville / Brazil's Rural Squatters / News of the Skews / Letters / Reviews / Contacts and more...
The State It's In - A View From Squall Central
With media, politics and advertising merging ever more concentrically, there is no longer any border control between PR, news-spin and truth - page 4.
Police Clampdown On RTS
Sally Chesworth and Andy Johnson report on how the success of Reclaim the Streets has induced a recent rash of police attention.
- page 16
Ingham Vs The Travellers - Thatcher's ex-press secretary spits vitriol on travellers.
- page 17.
Paint The Town
Simon Sunderland was recently given a five year prison sentence for the crime of painting colours on the walls of Sheffield. Sally Chesworth interviews an artist banged up.
- page 18
Disarming Women
The four ploughshares women recently acquitted for breaking the nose-cone of a Hawk jet fighter were but the tip of a growing movement. Neil Goodwin reviews its history and the implications of the acquittal.
- page 20
Monkey Business
Squatters in the monastery. Ally Fogg investigates Manchester's architectural activists.
- page 22
Surviving The JSA
The new Job Seekers Allowance scheme is the strictest benefit system ever and designed to knock people off welfare. Andy Johnson lists a few ways to avoid the hatchet.
- page 24
Festival Of Resistance
In celebration of the Reclaim the Streets occupation of the M41. Pictures by Nick Cobbing.
page 26
News Of The Skews Special
Steve Platt describes the manoeuvres behind his ousting as editor of the New Statesman
- page 28
A Criminal Culture?
From the Battle of the Beanfield 1985 to the Criminal Justice Act 1994 - Jim Carey reviews the 10 year strategy designed to eradicate Travellers and festivals.
- page 30
There's No Such Thing As A Free Festival
Sam Beale talks to some modern day festival organisers about how to sow the festie-vibe in the harsh nineties.
- page 36
Where Now?
Rachel Kano talks to fellow Travellers about surviving the CJA.
- page 40
The Masher
A new magazine for Travellers launches itself in this issue - pages 42-43.
Skool Bus Seeks Winter Park-up
- Travellers' School Charity is looking for a site with kids to teach over the winter
Blaggers Guide
- In this issue how to bleed air from a diesel engine
Anorak Special
- Kicking off this to-be regular column with some indepth technical data for several Bedford motors
- Cambridge University warns students about the influx of travellers at Strawberry Fair
Gaining A Foothold
If you want to live in a bender, caravan or tent on your own land, you'll need to know a bit about planning. Simon Fairlie puts it simply.
- page 46
Raising The Banner
For over twenty years Banner Theatre have been scripting grass roots political infotainment. Sam Beale went to talk to them about their history and their latest hilarious satire on the Criminal Justice Act.
- page 48
Fight For Fairmile
Jason Royce with words and pics from the next big road protest stand-off.
- page 52
News and Other Busyness
page 5.
Masonic Judge Called In For Exodus Case
- brought out of retirement for an unbiased hearing
Cannabis Writer Released
- Mick Marlow released
Squatting In Ulster
- families forced from their homes due to attacks increases squatting in Northern Ireland
Jail Tensions Rise
- inhumane conditions in Belmarsh Prison raising tensions to 'desperate' level
Britain's Boot Camps
Breach Of The Peace
Disabled Campaigner Fined
Arms Exhibitor Drops Libel Action
- peace campaigners win court case against Copex
Greenham Cancer
- inquiry around high incidence of leukaemia around the air base
Watchdog Slams Shell's Lies
Shell called out for its lies about its role in the death of Ken Saro-Wiwa
BAe Protesters Reluctantly Jailed
- two jailed for action in support of the women who smashed the Hawk jets
British Firms Equip Indonesian Police
- British weaponry used to quell riots in Jakarta
Bookshop Libel
- Housemans and Bookmarks threatened with libel for stocking anti-fascist magazine Searchlight
European Court Blow For Travellers
- gypsies lose right to live on their own land in European Court of Human Rights
Exodus Dread Cleared Of All Charges
- core member of Exodus cleared of all charges court following bogus murder charge
Giant Crispbread Eats Famous Landmark?
- plan to flog London's most famous landmarks for advertising
Benefit Grass Up Line
Smart Card Tricks
European Grouse
Losing The Plottery
Animal Rights United
Benefit Helpline Cut
Benefit Fraud
- social security offices and other public buildings to be flogged off to friends of the Tory Party
Stiffer Sentences For Dealers
- govt white paper to make punishments for drugs and other offences much harsher
McDonald's At Stonehenge?
- yes McD's are applying to construct the new visitors centre
Benefits To Be Privatised
- benefits system to be flogged off
JSA Staff Fear For Safety
- dole workers in two-day walk-out over worries about violent attacks on staff
NFU Condemn Countryside Movement
- National Farmers Union in conflict with right-wing land-owners movement
Special Branch Help McDonald's
- McLibel trial brings up information about Special Branch's surveillance on protesters and collusion with McDonald's.
McLibel Trial Latest
- now officially the longest court battle in British history - comes back from summer recess
Police Expo On Security Hardware
- an inside look at a secret trade show held in Manchester in July
Special Branch Attempt To Infiltrate Ploughshares
- ex-police woman asked to spy on her friends in the Ploughshares movement
Prison Exercise Abolished
- EU rules on prisoner's rights broken as British prison restrict exercise time
More Prison Works
- building programme to keep up with hike in prison inmate numbers
Exodus In Zurich
- Exodus invited to one-week cultural event
No Prosecution For Police Assault
- Manchester police get away with attacking an Asian student Amer Rafiq who lost an eye in the assault
CS Spray Given Go Ahead Despite Concerns
- over 40 police forces in UK will carry CS spray from next year, but some are voicing concerns
Big Mike & Fries
- Michael Portillo lines up for McDonald's photo opportunity while historic building in his constituency gets flogged to McD's.
Exodus Defend Community Farm
- police raid Long Meadow Community Farm while Exodus are in Zurich
Manchester Pansies Sieze Job Centre
- activists take over job centre in protest against Job Seekers Allowance
The State We're In
Squall notifies readers that it's going to take a break
- page 12.
News Of The Skews
Nicholas Saunders, author of E for Ecstasy, replies to recent media mis-info on E
- page 14.
Actors Of Parliament
Guns, MPs and pre-agenda gobble-de-gook
- page 15.
- page 23.
The Voice Of Treason
Observational wit from lyric-master Mark Kelly
- page 51.

Road Rage
page 54.
Twyford Compensation
- Hampshire police agree to large payout to two women wrongfully arrested at Twyford Down
One Hundred Year Slaughter
- the centenary of the first ever fatal car accident
Highways Agency Yobbo
- Highway Agency in M11 Link Rd PR shocker
Cow Discharged: Bomber Innocent
- Newbury protester acquitted for petrol bomb
Hunger Striker Victory
- Newbury protester wins court battle over repressive bail conditions
Injunction Threat To Protest Rights
- more injunctions served on Newbury protesters
Militant Anarchist Cyclists Arrested
- following Critical Mass in support of tube worker's strike
International Squall
Update from the jungles of Chiapas
Pirating The Airwaves
Pirate radio making waves against oppressive regimes
- page 57
Killing Without Question
A succession of governments and corporations have used the people of Bougainville as profit fodder. Neil Goodwin reports on the battered history of a Pacific Island and the involvement of British mining company RTZ.
- page 58
Organise, Invade, Produce!
Tired of having no land, no food and no rights, community activists in Brazil have turned to squatting. Simon Lewis visited their cultivated occupations to speak with them.
- page 60
Snippets of informed gossip, intrigue and odd occurences
- page 45.
Top Ten Free Party Tunes
- page 51.
Lofty Tones
Tony Allen discusses incendiary devices
- page 62.
Squall surfs the net
- page 63.
Jewel In The Mud Award
This issue's gems from the media mire
- page 64.
Lycra Shorts
Squall's sports news
- page 62.
- books, music & artz - pages 66-68.
Low Impact Development Planning and People in a Sustainable Countryside - by Simon Fairlie
Lost in Concrete - activist guide to European transport policies - by ASEED Europe
Through The Anarchist Press - A Column In Freedom - by John Rety
Chunes - music reviews by DJ Seed & The Bridge
- page 69-70.
- page 71.