Necessity Still Breeds Ingenuity - Archive of SQUALL MAGAZINE 1992-2006

The Masher


Squall 14, Autumn 1996, pg. 43.

Cambridge University students were warned to avoid becoming “involved with travellers and the like” and to “avoid pubs frequented by travellers” during the Strawberry Fair this year.

In a letter circulated to undergraduates the Bursar of Jesus College said: “You are advised to be particularly safety and security conscious from 4th June to 14th June.” The letter goes on:

“Be vigilant.

Do not attend the fair alone. Do not go out at night alone. Travel, where possible, in pairs or as a group - be watchful.

Try not to get involved with travellers and the like.

When not in your room/house, close and lock your windows and doors.

Do not leave your valuables, including bicycles, unsecured.

Try to avoid pubs frequented by travellers and the like.”

The bursar - one JNH Lacey - explained his particular concern for the safety of his precious young charges saying: “Strawberry Fair will be held on Midsummer common on Saturday 8 June 1996. In previous years the Glastonbury Fair has followed immediately afterwards.

“However, there will not be a fair at Glastonbury this year, and therefore it must be assumed that many of the travellers attending Strawberry fair will arrive early and remain in the vicinity for several days afterwards.”

So much for university life broadening the mind...

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