Necessity Still Breeds Ingenuity - Archive of SQUALL MAGAZINE 1992-2006
Travellers after the Criminal Justice Act

The Masher

The Masher is a new magazine for Travellers launched in this issue of Squall and due to exist independently for its future issues.

Squall 14, Autumn 1996, pp. 42-43.

With thanks to the good people of Squall for the space and respect to Perkins, Gardner, Bedford, AEC, Albion, Bristol, Austin and Morris and the rest. We bring you The Masher - (mainly) for people who live in and love their vehicles.

We aim to provide a news, contacts and practical information service but we need feedback to make it work.

If you have something to trade, a contact to find, useful information, peculiar vehicle problems or something to say write to
The Masher
c/o Squall PO Box 8959,
London, N19 5HW.

Johnny Potatoes (Ed)


1 - Skool Bus Seeks Winter Park-up - Travellers' School Charity is looking for a site with kids to teach over the winter.
2 - Blaggers Guide - In this issue how to bleed air from a diesel engine
3 - Anorak Special - Kicking off this to-be regular column with some indepth technical data for several Bedford motors
4 - Educated? - Cambridge University warns students about the influx of travellers at Strawberry Fair

Here is a list of regular sections which The Masher will have...

NEWS - It’s nice to live in a bubble but probably not advisable given the current state of affairs, and its a sad day when the Snapshot lot can find our friends easier than we can. To provide accurate information we need to be regularly and reliably informed. If information is a weapon then see this as ammunition.

THE BLAGGER’S GUIDE - Some people have known all this and more for years. Consequently they’ve sorted more vehicles for other people than they’ve had hot dinners. This section is dedicated to those who are at least prepared to try sorting themselves out.

MAIN DRAG - We would like to start a classifieds section which will actually work for people with restricted access to the wonders of modern telecommunications. We’ll take ads for vehicles, parts, tools, services and assorted tat etc. We’d also like to put people who’ve lost contact back in touch with each other. If there’s someone you haven’t seen for ages and want to find send your message into The Masher.

ANORAK SPECIAL - highly technical but vital and often impossible to find numbers, ie timing marks, valve settings etc. We’ve started with Bedford but requests and additions for the list are very welcome - Haynes eat your heart out.

“YOU’LL NEVER GET ONE OF THOSE...” - Certain motor trade types take particular pleasure in condemning vehicles to the scrap yard due to lack of some vital but obscure part. The Masher has access to a range of contacts and a substantial library. Pass your queries on to us and we’ll try to find a solution to the problem. Good ones get printed.