Necessity Still Breeds Ingenuity - Archive of SQUALL MAGAZINE 1992-2006

The Masher

Skool Bus Seeks Winter Park-Up

Squall 14, Autumn 1996, pg. 42.

The Travellers’ School Charity is looking for largish sites where the skool bus can set up over the winter.

The bus will be at Brechfa, Wales, until early October when Ross who has been teaching on sites through the summer, hands over to TSC’s new teacher, Howard.

From then on they want sites with a reasonable number of kids to teach over the winter, anyone interested should contact TSC via the address or pager given below.

Ross is looking to continue teaching on a freelance basis. Obviously he needs to be paid but the cost per child per day, is ludicrously low. He can also be contacted via TSC.

Stocks of the new TSC workbooks are already running down but they are still free to Travellers and there will be photocopy versions available when the originals sell out.

They are set at four different educational levels and cover the requirements of the national curriculum. Each workbook actually costs £10 to produce so settled home educators are asked to donate as much as they can afford up to the full amount.

The books can be ordered from the TSC PO Box address or bought from the Friends and Families of Travellers Shop, Nomad, in Glastonbury.

A much needed injection of cash from the National Lottery Charity Board has secured the future of the Skool bus until the end of 1998.

The £45,000 grant will cover the less than £100 per week wages of a teacher and an organiser each year and provide £5,000 per year for resources. Money for fuel and other essentials still has to be found from elsewhere.

TSC can be contacted at PO Box 36, Grantham, NG31 6EW.
Pager 0839 479224.

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