Squall 11
'Stoke It Up'
Autumn 1995 (88pp tabloid)
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McMammon: McLibel special / Female DJs / Job Seekers Allowance / Newbury / Tinkers Bubble / UN Sound system / Wally Hope / Tan Hill Fayre / Reclaim The Streets / European Romani / Beggars / Mumia Abu-Jamal / Exodus / Holtsfield / Opencast mining / Kenyan nomads / Artillery Mansions and MacNaughton House / Cool Tan / Jack Straw as parrot / Squatting / Letters / Contacts, regulars and more...
2. The State It's In - A view from SQUALL central
The State is attacking traveller and festival culture by trying to destroy the alternative economy which underpins it.
News Shorts and Other Busyness
Mawhinney Looks For Young Activists
More Anti-Party Legislation In The Pipeline
Dramatic Rise In Number Of Juveniles Imprisoned On Remand
New Database On Police Malpractice
ID Cards And The 'Redneck Tendency'
New Police Caution Is Not Understood
Stop And Search Of Black People On The Increase
Scapegoating Birds With Bullets
King Arthur Gives It Some In Court
Twyford Down Land 'Given Away' To Public School
First CJA Conviction For Trespassory Assembly
Contaminated Ecstasy Blamed For Deaths
First CJA Squatting Case Collapses
Travellers Triumph In Court
Black Moon Sound System - Fall Guys For The Mother
Social Security To Hire Private Debt Collectors
National Lottery Making Poor People Poorer
Water Profits And Prices Go Up
Housing Charity To Gamble On Money Market
Unemployment Benefit Doled Out At Local Rates
Local Authorities Against ID Cards... Except True Blue Wandsworth
Westminster Council Scandal Grows
Rise In Prison Sentences For Fine Defaulters
Legal Aid Cuts Against Human Rights
Secrets Of The Lobbying Process
Commoners Reject Cash For Land
Shell's New PR Team Get To Work
Legal Defence
17. Actors Of Parliament
Our regular look at hamming in the House of Commons
18. Actors Of Parliament - Special
Jack Straw is a well-known seeker of self-publicity - we give it to him
19. There's A Parrot In The Dustbin
Seamus Wino on the not so pretty boy in the Shadow Home Office (that'll be Jack Straw again).
20. News Of The Skews
Our regular look at national media skew-whiffery
22. The Mother, The Bill And The Bookshops
Ally Fogg notes Hampshire police’s sudden over-interest in political activism around the Mother of all Parties weekend in mid-July 1995, but also extending to several bookshop and house raids and more...
23. Ancient Royal Charter Vs Criminal Justice Act
Heather James reports on this year's Tan Hill Fayre near Winchester - an attempt to re-establish our ancient right to celebrate traditional country fayres
24. Tinkers Bubble
The DoE recommends that the low-impact dwellers of Tinkers Bubble be given a chance - John Gummer wants them evicted
25. The Problem With Planning
Simon Fairlie argues the case for more consideration for low-impact dwellers
27. Holtsfield - A Community Under Threat
A small south Wales community faces eviction from developers Paul O’Connor and Mel Gunasena report
28. Wally Hope - A Victim Of Ignorance
Neil Goodwin tells the story of the life and death of one of the founders of the Stonehenge Free Festival
30. To Rave Or To Riot?
How the Luton riots were quelled by dance - Jim Carey finds a different way of expressing dissent with the Exodus Collective
33. The Lutonites And The Planners Of Babylon
The Exodus Collective’s latest proposals have pitched them against those who hold the local planning reigns - exposures follow
34. The Lutonites And The Plotters Of Babylon
The latest state of play in the Exodus Collective’s long and eventful march towards justice
36. Sisters On The Decks
Debbie Shaw looks at the increasing numbers of female DJs battling to get their tunes on the twin-decks
37. Mizbehaviour In The House
Spotlight on female DJ Mizbehaviour
38. Consultation Excorcise
Andy Johnson reports on the wide-ranging opposition to the nightmare of the Job Seekers Allowance
41. Prisoners
Mark Skelly, Jim Chambers and Stuart Edwards
42. Press Play
Video Reviews: Monica Garnsey reviews
Undercurrents 3,
Conscious Cinema and
‘Life In The Fast Lane - The No M11 Story'
43. Conscious Cinema
Andy Johnson taps into the philosophies of the newest video activists
McMammon Special:
SQUALL shines a spotlight on McDonald's and the mighty stance taken by two activists who refused to back down - Jim Carey on the trail
44. Outing The Corporation
Deflating the corporate religion
45. The Motives Behind The Mask
The evidence on diet and deception - children identified as “virgin marketing ground”
45. The Diary Of A Stance
A timeline of the McLibel story going back a decade
49. Burger Bulldozing
Community vs trans-national corporation
50. Climbing Mountains
Talking to the heretics - the McLibel Two interviewed
54. The End Of Capitulation
Critics of McDonald’s have been silenced through fear - perhaps now free speech may be rescued from its coffin
For the full list of Squall articles about the McLibel Trial click here
56. Opencast Mining
Ursula Wills-Jones looks at the implications of the high-profit low-employment replacement to deep pit mining
57. Michael Heseltine: "Freemarket Nimby"
Entrepreneurs recently investigated the possibilities of an opencast mine in Hezza’s back garden. Johnny Minor tells it from the inside
Road Wars
58. Reclaiming The Street Politic
Andy Johnson lets the tape roll on a Reclaim The Streets brainstorm
61. Newbury Bypass: Battle-lines Drawn
Ian Freeman introduces the contesters in the Third Battle of Newbury
62. Green Mania
The last stand for the long-running No M11 Link Rd protest is finally evicted
Wells Relief Road
Protesters digger-dive and stop work on road
End Of The Road For M-Way Construction
Road protesters are winnng the argument
Briefs and updates from around the anti-road movement
International SQUALL
64. European Romani
Nobody’s problem: everybody’s scapegoat - Sam Beale investigates the hatred targetted against travelling communities
67. Begging Questions
The current political novelty of viewing beggars as social detritus is a phenomenon the UK shares with France - Sam Beale
68. Muma Abu Jamal - Voice Of The Voiceless
Black journalist on death row in US - Eileen Kinsman examines the evidence of a gross miscarriage of justice
70. Tribal People Dammed
The occupants of the Narmada Valley in Northern India have been evicted to make way for a mega-dam. Sam Beale reports
71. Bender Culture
Tim Malyon visits nomadic pastoralists in Kenya who rely on co-operation and mutual assistance.
Rough Streets Initiative
Two personal accounts of street-level attempts to help street homelessness in London
72. MacNaghten House
by Jerry Ham, manager of a homeless hostel in London
74. Artillery Mansions
by Jim Carey, one of a team of squatters and rough-sleepers assembled by necessity to find housing in a building in central Westminster
76. CoolTan: Past, Present, Future
Four years of grass-roots culture and a future land - by Shane Collins
77. Gross Misconduct In Hackney
Sam Beale talks to a man barred from his local authority job because he’s thought to be a squatter
78. Stealing Back The Parkway
Andy Johnson meets the sound system raising eyebrows and energy in Camden
80. Squatting Is Still Legal - necessary and free
Myk - from the Advisory Service for Squatters - details the changes in the law affecting squatters
81. Councils To Publish Squat Lists Shock
Jim Paton tells of the blessings woven from the CJA curse
81. ASS Birthday Appeal
The Advisory Service for Squatters is 20 years old! and still going strong
82. Lofty Tones
Regular column from Tony Allen ‘Global Village Idiot’
83. Jewel In The Mud Award
‘Life of strife in the fast lane’ by Jay Griffiths - this issue’s gem in the media mud
84. Netrogressive
Ben Schneider and his regular column for internet itinerants
85. Letter From New Zealand
Glyn Walters - South Pacific Greenpeace Press Officer writes of the international radioactive heat over French nuclear tests
86. The Post Bag - Letters To SQUALL
87. Contacts