Squall 10
'Sowing The Seeds'
'Magazine for Sorted Itinerants'
Summer 1995 (52pp tabloid)
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The State It's In / Job Seekers Allowance / Amsterdam squatters / Travellers under pressure with CJA / Hulme Estate / The Culture Cash-in On Raves And Festivals / Riot Police violence against road protestors / Squatters at the Grange / Housing Bill / Exodus / The Land Is Ours occupation / Reclaim the Streets / Stanworth Valley / Ploughshares / Childbirth on the road / Agenda 21 / Lofty Tones / Lets Trading / Internet Itinerants / Letters / Contacts, regulars and more...
2. The State It's In
The 'new politics of protest' is now a phrase branded about in mainstream media.
News Shorts and Other Business
It's A Shell Out
Picket at Shell AGM
Paying The War Machine
Weaponry is big business for UK Plc
BAe Supplying Oppressive Regimes
BAe AGM targeted by Arms Trade protesters
Hackney Blah
Racial harassment in housing department
Stonehenge Welcomes Its Own
VE Day celebrations at Stonehenge
Hackney Homeless 'Incident' Acquittals
All five acquitted of public order offences following last year's Hackney Homeless Festival
ID Or Not ID ... That Is The Serious Question
A national identity card is... on the cards
Where There's Muck
Travellers in Ireland recycle manure
Nuclear Waste Train Given Lick Of Protest Paint
Anti-nuclear action against train which goes through London weekly
Critical Mass
Bike power in central London
New Police Baton Goes Lethal
Man fatally injured by new police baton in London
Freelance Journalists Targetted
Four freelance journalists arrested in one week, each covering demonstrations
What The Eyes Don't See - The Mind Doesn't Have To Ponder
Travellers site near Grimsby evicted
McLibel Appeal For Assistance
Call-out to help fund two activists up against a mega-corporation
Police Shut-Down Free Parties
Are local police under Home Office orders to clamp down on raves?
Free Parties - Sunnyside Style
This is the sound of the underground
School For Travellers
International conference held in London about schooling for gypsy and traveller children
10. Compulsory Reprogramming
Beware of the in-coming Job Seekers Allowance Bill. By Andy Johnson
11. Actors Of Parliament
Starring Sir Graham Bright MP and Exodus
12. A Nightmare On LWT Street
Road protesters stitched up on Richard Littlejohn chat show, then attacked by riot police. By Jim Carey
13. News Of The Skews
The Times, The Telegraph and Daily Mail champion the squatters!
14. A New Housing Bill
Homeless people vs the private rented sector - the new Housing Bill is reviewed by Joe Oldman
15. Exodus - Keep Up The Momentum
New political twists, turns and dances with the Exodus Collective
16. The Roots Of Sustainable Development
Local Agenda 21: doing it anyway. Andy Johnson investigates
17. Populating The International Promise Of Agenda 21
Will the Government act on its Agenda 21 commitments? By Jim Carey
Road Wars
Round-up of road protest happenings, including Reclaiming the Air and In Defence of Stanworth
18. Counting The Costs Of The Freedom To Drive
The deadly health consequences of cars
19. Road Building In Chaos
Transport Secretary Brian Mawhinney announces that some road-building schemes are to be held-over
19. DoT Compensation Claims Feared
Road builders face having to pay out
19. A30 Exeter Honiton ByPass
Upcoming road project to be privately run
19. Trans European Networks And The Derby Bypass
TENs - the bigger picture behind road expansion in Britain
20. Reclaiming The Air
Report from the first Reclaim The Streets, Camden High St, London, on May 14th. By Andy Johnson
22. In Defence Of Stanworth Valley
Two reports from the eviction of the No M65 protest camp in Lancashire:
Viva Stanworth - a history of the protest and eviction by Ian Freeman
No Compromise - a personal account by Catherine Grivas
24. Pro-Newbury Bypass Lobby Grows
Momentum is gathering for the Newbury Bypass
24. Road Shorts
Updates and briefs
24. Laing Four Freed
The first road protesters charged under the CJA go to trial
25. Born On The Road
You better get born in some place else - move along get along - the children of travellers. By Debbie Shaw
26. The Land Comes Alive
'Land Is Ours' occupation of St Georges Hill in Surrey - shovelling land issues back into the political arena. By Jim Carey
28. Fruit Of The Earth
The wine and wisdom of Sutton Eric, at the Land Is Ours occupation at St Georges Hill - as told to Jim Carey and others
28. Lofty Tones
A post-alternative look at alternative energy from Tony Allen
29. Going Round In Circulars
The lip-service and reality of site provision, prejudice and planning. Jim Carey reports on the affect on travellers of the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act
31. The Jewel In The Mud Award
Battle of the Beanfield in the media ten years on, report by Neil Goodwin
32. Travelling Under Pressure
Manoeuvres to erode the travelling community in an ethnic whitewash
33. Nine Great Conspiracy Theories
...To explain the Criminal Justice Act
34. No Place Like Hulme
Travellers, squatters and tennants in Hulme, the inner city Manchester estate. By Ally Fogg
35. Juxta-Posing
36. Culture Cash-in on Raves and Festivals
Seamus O'Conner takes a look at the so-called 'new age entrepreneurs' cashing in on the current political climate for festivals
39. Netrogressive
Breaking the information monopoly on the internet, by Ben Schneider
Group 4 On The Net
Group 4 uses web to surveil road protesters
West Mercia Police And The Anonymous Remailer
Police use dubious and potentially hack-able anonymising service
Kraak It Open
Sam Beale travels to Holland to look at their long-established squat centres and speak with the free radicals
40. Kraaking The System
- negotiating the terrain
42. What's The Kraak?
- exploring the loopholes...
44. Kraaking Info
- radical media
45. To Do The Right Thing
Andy Johnson interviews Chris Cole, currently in prison for hammering £100,000 worth of damage to BAe military equipment as part of the Swords Into Ploughshares peace movement
46. 50th Anniversaries And All That
50 years after VE Day, and therefore 50 years of the post-war squatting movement in Britain. By Jim Paton
47. Letter From Latin America
The lack of land, housing and peace in Gutemala, sent in by Emma Eastwood
48. LETS Trade
Alternative economics, co-operation stylee: Lorna Russell looks at LETS local economies
49. Are You Well Red?
A review of books about the Criminal Justice Act, by Sean McSweeney
49. Letters
The Road-Builders 'Hard' Men - no accountability over the violence on protesters at the M11 protest
Travellering With Prejudice - travelling culture under attack from bigotry
Who Qualifies To Care? - response to 'Support Or Coercion For The Mentally Ill?' from Squall 9
Keep On Pedalling - Pedal For The Planet writes back to Squall from where-ever in the world they currently are
Scottish Travelin' Tales - same CJA concerns north of the border
Ministers With Dirty Back Yards - Tory MP Nigel Evans trashes 'the most beautiful rural constituency'
50. Contacts