Squall 9
'Magazine for Assorted Itinerants'
Winter (Jan-Feb) 1995 (48pp tabloid)
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The State It's In / Critical Mass / Agenda 21 / Claremont Road eviction special / Sexual harassment against women protestors / Mental health and human rights / Life after the Criminal Justice Act / Grass roots housing / Exodus Collective public enquiry / Hyde Park CJA demonstration / Land ownership / Road Wars / International SQUALL / Actors of Parliament / News Of The Skews / Pedalling across the Atlantic / Letters / Contacts, regulars and more...
4. The State It’s In
- assessing the early impact of the Criminal Justice Act
News Shorts & Other Busyness
Westmaladminister City Council
- new bribery allegations surface from district auditor's report
Get Lost - You're From The Daily Mail
- live animal export protesters refuse to talk to scum newspaper
- the infamous trial re-starts after new-year recess
Stressville UK
- Britain has highest average working week in Europe
Compensation And Apologies From Twyford Down Police
- protesters quids-in after pay-off for unlawful arrests
Get Off Your Land
- travellers refused permission to live on land they own
Travellers Get Compensation For Discrimination
- Littlewoods pay travellers out-of-court settlement for discrimination
- squatters occupy posh property opposite Kensington Palace owned by Sheikh
Travellers Abroad
- exodus of travellers from Britain avoiding the CJA
Police Cameras
- increasing use of police surveillance cameras at demos
Alternative Media Reveals The Truth And Saves Protesters
- activist media footage gets protester off police assault charge (in fact shows that the opposite happened)
Hackney TAT Man Suspended
- sordidness inside Hackney Council
Road-Building HQs Occupied
- road-protesters surprise Highways Agency with office occupation
Spike On The Mic
- Spike Milligan does impromptu comedy show for live animal exports protesters at Shoreham
9. Actors Of Parliament
- the latest gobble from Westminster
10. News Of The Skews
- photo of Hyde Park CJB demo used by mainstream photo-editors skews perspective on a year of protest
12. Shuffle Shuffle Snuffle
- The opposition Labour Party led by Tony Blair are no friend of the homeless, particularly new shadow housing spokesperson Nick Raynsford. By Kit Nash
13. Working The Net
- campaigners go global on the internet, by Ben Schneider
14. Critical Mass
- Patrick Field writes about Critical Mass - the bike-powered effort to end car domination
15. Local Agenda 21
- two articles about the new ground-claiming cry for sustainability
Local Agendas
- how protesters, squatters and travellers can work with it - by Anna Makismow
What Is Agenda 21?
- what is this buzzword sweeping through grassroots organisations? by Andy Johnson
Road Wars
SQUALL's road protest round up and down the country
No M77 Battle Hots Up In Scotland
- 'Free State Of Pollok'
Policy Shift or Shifty Policy?
- is public opinion swinging away from tarmac?
A30 Honiton-Exeter On The Back Burner
- protest camps building with clearance work done
The Third Battle Of Newbury
- pitched against vested interests
No M65 Campaign
- the 'Sky Village' at Stanworth Valley in Lancashire against the M65
Towers Of Strength
- Claremont Road, East London; inside Europe's longest eviction. Report and interviews with protesters against the M11 Link Road. By Jim Carey
23. Jewel In The Mud Award
- this issue's selection of printed matter
Squall - a poem by John Hegley
24. Remember Remember
27. And Here Is The News...
- review of Undercurrent 2 video collection
28. Under Cover Of Eviction
- security guards, bailiffs and sexual harassment against female protesters, by Debbie Shaw
29. Support Or Coercion For The Mentally Ill?
- new legislation on mental health to target the already disadvantaged and discriminated against. By Andy Porter, Brighton regional director of MIND
30. Forget Politics - Let's Talk Homes
- facile follies and new initiatives in housing, from long-serving member of the Advisory Service for Squatters, Jim Paton
32. The Pharaoh's Men Drowning Again
- the latest underhand political manoeuvring designed to halt Exodus and smother the public enquiry
International SQUALL
Western Promise?
- the market forces a new revolution in Russia
Caught In The Croatian Crossfire
- homelessness caused by the war in Croatia
Weiderdam Development Protest
- squatters take wood and marsh land in Germany earmarked for flats
Zaire's Street Children
- drop-in centre for kids in Kinshasa who have been thrown out of home after being accused of sorcery (sic).
World Bank Evictions
- World Bank projects are leading to millions being dispossessed or re-settled
Yangtze Homeless
- the immense consequences of the monster Three Gorges Dam in China
Chirac Changes His Spots
- empty offices in Paris to be used for winter shelters
Unicef Report
- reveals startling numbers of human casualties from wars just in the past decade
Letter from Asia
- Glyn Walters writes back from South East Asia
37. Lofty Tone’s Column
- Tony Allen on dead pigeons and other sculptures
38. Past Plots And Future Fields
- Shim Solomon looks at the continual erosion of access to land and enclosures in Britain over centuries, right up to today's CJA
41. Below The Sod
- underground houses
42. Pedal For The Planet
- cycling across the oceans 'nutter stylee'
44. Consultation Exorcise
- "the widest possible public debate"?
44. Life After The Criminal Justice Act
- public order monitoring by Liz Parratt, Campaigns Officer, Liberty
46. Letters To Squall
Love & Rage - critical response to CJ Stone's article about the Anti-CJB Demo in Squall 8
Mutual Respect? - people keep squatting this guy's house
Solidarity - The Key - letter from visiting Italian squatter
Banking On Depression - MP writes in
Sheffield DIY Conference - report from the event held Dec 1994
47. Contacts