The Post Bag: Letters To Squall
Sheffield DIY Conference
Squall 9, Jan/Feb 1995, pg. 47.
Dear Squall
Friday 16th December was the start of a mega weekend for a lot of people, not least myself a massive shot in the arm for DIY culture. With Claremont over, consumermass coming up, a lot of people seemed to be on the edge of mania, itching to move on to the next issue, but not knowing what to tackle next. I, for one, viewed the invitation from Sheffield to attend a conference on DIY culture as a holiday, a respite from the madness of Babylondon. Fuck was I wrong, the people in Sheffield had recycled a beautiful stone school on the top of a hill overlooking some amazing scenery. Needless to say the building had suffered some institutionalised vandalism before being left to rot (who are the criminals?). In true DIY tradition wood-burners were brought up by the Freedom Network and Ben from Brighton provided a PC to record the skool register and data base the collected wisdom.
To record the entire retinue would be impossible here but there were workshops on subjects such as LETS schemes, mainstream media, alternative media, building and open space recycling, children’s prisons, agenda 21 and, one dear to my own heart, direct action.
Regional problems were solved with a national brainstorm. Questions were answered in all sorts of areas, telephone numbers were swapped so fast the pens kept catching fire. Among the contributors were Guilfin, Effin, Freedom Network, Snooze News, Small World Media, Preston anti-roads Campaign, No M-11 Campaign, Advance Party, CND, Sheffield SU and SWP.
A whole-hearted thanks to Veggies Catering who not only kept us going night and day but cooked food from the supermarket skip run for those who had run out of money, (off-licence, get thee behind me) and Smokescreen for the kickin’.
Also Moses, Barry, Richard of the Old Skool Collective who hosted the weekend.
More DIY conferences are in the pipeline, Rugby and Cardiff being the next venues. If you want in on the next one phone one of the Freedoms. It’s not just about established groups, it's about establishing groups and if you come you may go away empowered to start your own regional group in the knowledge that you have the support and advice of people all over the country.
Claremont Kit