Necessity Still Breeds Ingenuity - Archive of SQUALL MAGAZINE 1992-2006

International SQUALL

Unicef Report

Squall 9, Jan/Feb 1995, pg. 36.

A recent Unicef report has revealed that wars around the world in the past decade have left 2 million children dead, 4 to 5 million disabled, 5 million in refugee camps, and 12 million homeless. The organisation argues that “the rising tide of poverty, and the social disintegration linked to it, threaten security throughout the world”.

The report is Unicef’s contribution to a Social Summit being held in Copenhagen in March to mark the 50th birthday of the UN. The report says it is time for world leaders to recognise that the fight against social dislocation, poverty, population growth and environmental degradation are no longer just the concerns of the poor.

The UN has called for “a shift in international strategy to ensuring security through development instead of arms”.