Squall 16
'Playing The Joker'
Summer 1998 (52pp tabloid)
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The State It's In / Ecstasy Testing Kits / Anti-GM Genetix actions / National Protest Round-up / Nike Sweatshop Labour / GAndALF three freed / Menwith Hill / Brickhurst Farm Permaculture / Pro-hunting Countryside Alliance March / Action at Hillgrove Farm vivisection lab / Round-up of Anti-G8 marches / Freemasons / Exodus run-in with Freemasons / Testimony From Masons / Aboriginal communities in Western Australia / first Peoples' Global Action gathering, Geneva / Voices from PGA gathering / Greenbelt Housing / Reviews / Contacts and more...
The State It's In
Editorial from Squall HQ
- page 4
Space - The Final Frontier
Andy Johnson examines the controversial issue of house-building on green belt land
- page 16
Fashion Victims
Suzie Fenn investigates Nike's involvement in the exploitation of workers in Indonesia and China
- page 17
Gandalf Freed After Spell In prison
At a cost of over £4m and involving MI5, the Canadian Mounties, 55 separate police raids, Public Immunity Certificates, an ex-military judge and an Italian connection. This is the case of the Gandalf Three. Gibby Zobel reports
- page 18
The Hills Have Ears
Ally Fogg investigates the history of Menwith Hill telecommunications spy base, a piece of America in the North Yorkshire countryside
- page 20
Sow Far Sow Good
Georgia Wisbey reports on how its done permaculture style at Brickhurst Farm in Kent
- page 22
The Countryside Corralled
Jim Carey investigates the landed interests behind the environmentally-unfriendly Countryside Alliance
page 24
Fur Flies At Cat Demo
Photojournalist Andrew Testa attended the anti-vivisection demo at Oxfordshire's Hillgrove Farm on World Day for Laboratory Animals
- page 26
Resistance Allstars vs Globe Rotters
This May the temperature rose on streets across the globe in protest against the G8 Summit and WTO 50th Anniversary
- page 28
Boyz In The 'Hood
Peter Panatone reports on recent moves to get Masonic police to declare their allegiances
- page 30
Lodging Complaints
Peter Panatone investigates the Exodus Collective's run-in with the Freemasons of Bedfordshire
- page 33
Testimony Of A Top Ranking Freemason
A 33rd degree Mason breaks cover
- page 36
Dream Land
Sam Wild visited Aboriginal communities in Western Australia to find out if new hopes mean the Outback is back
- page 40
Globalised Resistance
The first Peoples Global Action conference in Geneva in February 1998 and the international neo-liberalism they are up against.
Report by Gibby Zobel
- page 43
Heard World
Gibby Zobel and friends attended the Peoples Global Action conference in Geneva and talked to a host of worldwide activists
- page 44
News And Other Busyness
Torture Tactics
- police getting increasingly heavy-handed with protesters
Test Proves Positive
- drug activists launch ecstasy testing kits in Brixton
Dan Dares
- disabled peoples' direct action network protest
McLibel Two Take Second Bite
- Dave Morris and Helen Steel are off to the Court of Human Rights to appeal
UNGASS - The Bogeymen
- campaign groups fear that this year’s UN Assembly on Drugs will miss opportunities and deepen mis understandings.
Chalets Shall Stay
- Holtsfield community in South Wales wins right to stay
Life On The Edge
- CJA has turned travellers into criminals
Exodus Enquiry Blocked
- public enquiry into police malevolence against Exodus blocked
Social Exclusion Unit Visit Exodus
- Govt unit examines initiatives for unemployed youth by Exodus
A Bird In The Hand
- Big Issue editor John Bird to stand for Mayor of London
Druids Free To Celebrate At Stonehenge
- police and English Heritage to allow summer solstice access this year
McLibel Goes CD
- the whole of mcspotlight to go out on CD-ROM
Cars Get In The Way Of New Homes
- new reports says too much urban space is given over to parking
Meatheads Slug It Out
- the two burger behemoths to battle it out
Cook Admits British Riot Gear Used In Indonesia
- Foreign Secretary Robin Cook admits Suharto goons used British arms equipment against rioters
UK Atmos. Fear
- UK childhood asthma worst in the world
Activists Blockade BP Refinery
- anti-oil industry action at Essex oil refinery
No Tax Please, We're British
- North Sea oil is the lowest taxed oil in the world
Latin Lessons Left Unlearned
- PR and back-slapping as BP attend Colombian conference
Genetix Produces Summer Snowball
- resistance is growing to genetically modified food
SHAG Poo Poo Monsanto
- anti-genetics action at Monsanto's High Wycombe HQ
Weeding Out Bad Genes
- Monsanto breaks genetic rules
National Breakdown
- round-up of ecological direct action protests across the country including Crystal Palace, Ashton Court, Dead Woman's Bottom, Derby and Reclaim The Streets street parties
Rat In The Kitchen
- striking workers at the Magnet factory in Darlington are finally offered an inadequate settlement.
Stitched Up In Critchley
- denial of union rights in South Wales factory leads to strike and sackings
International News And Other Busyness
Global Pledges For Free Tibet?
- international support builds for Tibet
Something Fishy At Mitsubishi
- after they win US Greenwash award
US Navy Sinks To New Depths
- sonar weapon experiments conducted on whales and dolphins
Flying Dutchmen Grounded
- anti-aviation protester lock-on to plane
Rotten To The Core
- Apple computers drop Dalai Lama in advertising
Jets, Lies And Video Scrape
- red-faced CBS news-readers caught acting on-air
Rootsman Vs Routesman
- Tasmanian activist has world's first tree-top web site
Trainstopping - The Sequel
- more protests in Germany against nuclear waste trains
The Voice Of Treason - Mark Kelly - page 19
Squotes - page 28
- page 46-48
Copse - The Cartoon Book Of Tree Protesting - Sam Beale review's Kate Evans amazing book chronicling the ecological direct action movement
No Boundaries: New Travellers On The Road (Outside Of England) - Nicky Benge reviews Alan Dearling's book about people living on the road mainly across Europe
Diggers & Dreamers 98/99: The Guide To Communal Living - Sam Beale checks out this essential resource for all wanting to live communally
Music Reviews - DJ Seed peruses the latest by Headmix Collective, Max Pashm, Theo & Shannon, Tragic Roundabout, Baghdaddies, Dubmerge and more...
In-Sites - websites review by Annette Hed
Alt.Press - reviews of alt press print publications Do Or Die, Black Flag and Corporate Watch by Jelly Bean
- page 50