Squall 8
'Act Up'
'Magazine for Assorted Itinerants'
Autumn 1994 (56pp A4)
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The State It's In / Six-part special on the Exodus Collective / Criminal Justice Act / Tinkers Bubble / CJB March July 24th / Squatting in Hackney / Land ownership / Housing quangos / International squatters / Road Wars / In The Net / News of the Skews / Actors Of Parliament / Consultation Exorcise / Westminster Council Scandal / Letters / Contacts / Regulars and more...
3. The State It's In
Travels in a political arena: as the Criminal Justice Bill resumes its progress through parliament
News Shorts & Other Busyness
Oxford Evictions
- Anti-CJB protest in Oxford brutally policed
Homeless Cruelty
- RSPCA refuse to return dog to homeless person
Empties Filled
- Bristol City Council to bring empty properties back into use
Protest Squats On The Increase
- a rise in squatting since the CJB
Private Roads Go Ahead
- Govt gives the green light to privatised 'shadow' toll roads
Hackney Homeless Acquittal
- Eloise Parrack acquitted after
arrest following the Hackney Homeless Peoples' Festival in May
Travellers "Too Friendly To Slander"
- Sun journo accidentally off-message as he gives travellers positive coverage
Global Profiteers
- global capital is increasingly dominated by trans-national corporations
Crescent Evicted
- Park Crescent in Stoke Newington evicted, making over 40 people homeless
Tomorrow's Slums
- most new housing-association-built homes are low quality
People On Welfare "Too Comfortable"
- out-of-touch Tories propose Housing Benefit cut
Traveller Benefit Census
- census reveals that the numbers of travellers is falling
Water Waste
- decreased accountability for wate companies following privatisation
Traveller Surveillance
- Operation Snapshot targets travellers
Violent Eviction Arsonists Jailed
- two men imprisoned for arson attack on No M11 Link Rd protesters living in the chesnut tree on George's Green, Wanstead
DoE To Sue Big Issue Editor
- the meagre income for Big Issue sellers comes under attention by benefits office
Rinky Dink
- the bike powered sound system
Beggars In Desperate Need
- CRISIS report shines light on the reality of beggars
Velvet Revolution Tour
- raising awarness about the CJB across the country
Taking Liberties
- new anti-CJB benefit CD out
Anarchy In The UK, Ten Days That Shook The World
- plug for huge upcoming Squall benefit gig
12. Actors Of Parliament
The farce of Labour's effort to oppose the CJB
14. News Of The Skews
The British media and the second CJB rally
16. Consultation Exorcise
Police show dissatisfaction with the CJB, and their role in implementing it
17. The Trouble With Words
Lip-service from the Dept of Environment on World Environment Day
18. Road Wars
Nationwide round-up of road protests including: Solsbury Hill, Stanworth Valley, Newbury, Pollock, and Cardiff Bay
20. The Triumph Of Love Over Pain
CJ Stone gives his account of the central London anti-CJB mass demonstration on July 24th (1994)
22. Hackneyed Hypocrisy
Squatters battle Hackney Council's 'para-municipal' eviction squad
23. The Jewel In The Mud Award
Words of wisdom in times of crisis from Edward de Bono
24. DIY In The Sticks
Tinkers Bubble, and the difficulty of restrictive planning laws for rural communities. By Simon Fairlie
26. Get On Your Land
Land ownership in Britain, and the process of enclosures over centuries. By Glyn Walters
28. You've Been Quango'd
Patrick Nother looks at the disappearing accountability of facelss housing quangos
30. Westmaladminister
Westmaladminister - A National Embarrassment
Jim Carey investigates the gerrymanderers of Westminster
A Scandal Unfolds
a timeline of the fiasco
International Squatters
Illegal cities and pirate urbanisation around the world by Sam Beale and Emma Eastwood
34. Illegal Cities
35. SPAIN - The Battle Foe Euskal Jai / La Barcelona La Vaqueria
37. PARIS - Bank Of France Squatted / NICARAGUA - Violent Evictions In Managua
38. In The Net
Ben Schneider looks at the information revolution
39. Log In, pHreak Out
pHreak cybercrew helping you get on the internet
39. HHH Video Mag
HHH release new series of short films on video
Introducing Exodus
- The Battles, The Raves, The Regeneration...
A six-part in-depth look at the Exodus Collective, Luton. Articles by Jim Carey
53. Letters
Cambridge Capers
- Anti-CJB demo
Obituary For A Crescent
- Park Crescent eviction
Reformist's Revolution
- A rant from Tony Allen
Hackney Acquittal
- Letter of thanks from Eloise Parrack's solicitor following her acquittal
Slovenian Invitation
- Ljubljana squatters write to Squall
Compulsive Conversation
- positive words about Squall from reader in Devon
54. Contacts