Necessity Still Breeds Ingenuity - Archive of SQUALL MAGAZINE 1992-2006
Anti-CJB March, London, July 24th 1994
Killing The Bill, Trafalgar Square, July 24th 1994. Photo: Tash

The Triumph of Love over Pain

In sharp contrast to the riot of national media coverage that followed a recent CJB march, CJ Stone, freelance press and radio journalist, steps off the wall to offer a different impression.

Squall 8, Autumn 1994, p.20

If you were on the July 24th march you’d know that it was simply the best political rally ever.

It was like taking vast amounts of heart-pumping chemicals but without the toxicity. Or like being in love with 60,000 people all at the same time. It was a manifestation of the Spirit: no less. Like the core-being at the centre of the Universe was beaming rays of love directly into our hearts. A surge of great revolutionary spiritual fervour. The triumph of joy over despair.

If you read the papers the following day you’d think it was a riot. Which it was. A riot of colour. Riotous pleasure. But no: you’d think it was a carnival of hate and violence and careless destruction.

Anti-CJB March, London, July 24th 1994
Sunnyside Sound System. Photo: Matt Smith

I watched the whole episode at the gates of Downing Street, from the formation of the original gaggle of largely mischievous protesters, through the police charges, to the point where Agent Provocateurs were urging people to kill through loud-hailers. And I can tell you there were barely 50-60 hard-core nutcases involved. Out of a march of 50-60,000, the antics of 50-60 people finds its way into the press. That’s 0.1%. What does that tell you about the British Press? What does that tell you about those 50-60 people?

Whose purpose did it serve to see scenes of violence splashed over the newspapers? Want to make sure the Great British Public never attend a march. Want to make sure they stay at home watching Neighbours, and that they never seek to question the values of the government? Then make sure you show violence. Nobody likes violence except the state and its agents (the Estate Agents). As far as I am concerned a large percentage of those 60 people were paid agents of the State, serving its purposes not ours.

On entering Hyde Park a character from Class War thrust a paper in my direction. “Pacifism is Capitalism,” he said. Oh yeah! Right. Why hadn’t I seen that before? Like the Gulf War was a Pacifist act. Like Western Governments paid Saddam Hussein to build up his arms for the sake of world peace, then whopped the Iraqi people one for doing what we told them. Like all those riot police were kitted out to dance and sing and have lots of fun. Pacifism is Capitalism. The best slogan of the day.

It’s errant nonsense of course. Those that want to incite violence know perfectly well they are playing into the government’s hands. That is the sure route to failure. As if a few sticks and stones and plastic bottles chucked at the lines of shielded, helmeted, sometimes armed police is going to overthrow the State. Don’t make me laugh.

Anti-CJB March, London, July 24th 1994
Anti-CJB Demo, July 24th 1994. Photo: Tash

Here’s the truth. Among those policemen and women are a lot of deeply frustrated, emotionally crippled characters. Someone went up to one who was scowling and said: “Smile, it doesn’t cost anything.” The scowl deepened. I asked the guy what he was thinking. His scowl got darker still. “Same as I’m thinking about you now,” he said: “go away.” Poor, fucked up, sad little geezer. (For “little” read “diminished”.) But what you have to do is look into their eyes. Occasionally you see a sparkle. When it comes down to it, the guy with the sparkle breaks ranks. Deep down he’s on your side. Smile at him and he’ll acknowledge you as a human being. He’ll think twice or more about hitting you. Attack him and - like any other tribe - he’ll dismiss you as his enemy, and take refuge with his mates. What’s the definition of a revolution? A turning. The moment of revolution is when the police change sides.

We are the happy people. Happiness comes of peace, inner and outer. We are the party people, the people of rapture. Hate + hate = more hate. Love versus hate is like garlic to a vampire. It withers it away. In the end negativity even has to negate itself. Love must always triumph because love is eternal.

Jesus said “love your enemies”. Why? Because if you love them they’re your enemy no longer. He said “turn the other cheek”. Why? Because deep down we are all part of the same process. We are the universe. The pain you feel is Universal pain. Strike back and there’s yet more pain, yet more suffering.

I’m not a Christian. Christianity sucks. The history of Christianity is the history of sexless guilt, joylessness and despair. Christians have caused more suffering, to each other and to the human race as a whole, than any other group in existence. But Jesus wasn’t a Christian. That came after. He was a man, a freethinker and a revolutionary. He mixed with prostitutes and publicans: the low-life. He said: “Consider the lillies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin.” He wanted us to be free. Free of the joyless confines of paid labour. Free to love and be loved. Free to experience pleasure. Free to drink deeply of the spirit.

To the 60,000 people who attended the march and rally on the 24th July: we are brothers and sisters of the Spirit all. Don’t worry about the SWP. They can’t convert us. Let them call their marches. We will convert them.

This is the moment of rapture. Dance and you will be free.

The answer to everything is Yes!!!