...The Emission Of A Succession Of...
The Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994 - aka the CJA - was an epochal law, targeting protesters, ravers, travellers, squatters and other parts of a broader counter-culture in the early 1990s. It left a lasting legacy of damage to civil liberties in Britain - but it also galvanised, politicised and united the various subcultures and groups affected by it into a movement.
SQUALL closely chronicled the CJA, following it from its first announcement as a Bill, its progress through Parliament as it became law, the mass resistance that sprung up against it, as well as the ways various sections of the CJA went on to be used by police, some of which were contested and shown to be unworkable.
The following is a list of the main articles in SQUALL on the CJA...
Squall 4 - April/May 1993
Squatting: The Political Arena - storm clouds gather for legislation against squatting and travellers.
Squall 5 - Oct-Nov 1993
Travels In A Political Arena - editorial: Is the media assault on travellers, festivals and squatters the harbinger of new repressive legislation?
Squall 6 - Spring 1994
The State It’s In - editorial: a short fuse to criminalisation for squatters, travellers, ravers, and protesters with the newly published Criminal Justice and Public Order Bill.
Law Is A Cabaret Old Chum - farce in the House as the CJB plays to the gallery.
Injustice Translate - Summary of Part V of the Criminal Justice and Public Order Bill relating to aggravated trespass, squatting, travelling, land protests and festivals/parties.
The Jewel In The Mud Award
- This issue's selected media gem, featuring positive commentary from one Guardian journalist about the Exodus Collective
Consultation Exorcise - Who did the Govt listen to when drafting the new CJB squatting legislation?
Gypsy Council - The Gypsy Council voice grave concerns about the effects of the CJB on gypsy and traditional travellers.
Squall 7 - Summer 1994
The State It’s In - editorial: as the CJB makes its final way through the House Of Lords.
Actors Of Parliament - the theatre continues.
Injustice Translate - Summary of Part V of the Criminal Justice and Public Order Bill relating to aggravated trespass, squatting, traveeling, land protests and festivals/parties.
Police Tied Up -
Police complain that being force to enforce the CJB when it is enacted will put them under great pressure.
Gypsy Women "Turned Mad" by Bill - women form new group.
The Jewel In The Mud - George Monbiot gives historical context to what the CJB is attacking
FreeNet - the Freedom Network has a 'Bill's Picnic' against the CJB at Hyde Park.
Advance For A Free Future - a personal view of the May 1st London mass demonstration against the CJB.
The State It's In - Stop Press - Start Press - Criminal Justice Bill delayed by amendments in House Of Lords. July/Aug 1994.
Squall 8 - Autumn 1994
The State It's In - editorial: As the Criminal Justice Bill resumes its progress through parliament.
Oxford Evictions - anti-CJB squat in Oxford brutally repressed by police.
Protest Squats On The Increase - anti-CJB occupations across the country.
Velvet Revolution - anti-CJB road show goes on tour.
Actors of Parliament - The farce of Labour's effort to oppose the CJB.
News of the Skews - the British media and the second CJB rally..
Consultation Exorcise - Police show dissatisfaction with the CJB, and their role in implementing it.
The Triumph of Love Over Pain - CJ Stone gives his account of the central London anti-CJB mass demonstration on July 24th (1994).
Cambridge Capers - Letter from reader about Anti-CJB demo in Cambridge
Squall 9 - Jan/Feb 1995
The State It’s In - editorial: assessing the early impact of the Criminal Justice Act.
Travellers Abroad - exodus of travellers from Britain avoiding the CJA.
Life After the Criminal Justice Act - public order monitoring by Liz Parratt, Campaigns Officer, Liberty.
News of the Skews - photo of Hyde Park CJB demo used by mainstream photo-editors skews perspective on a year of protest.
Consultation Exorcise - "the widest possible public debate"?
Squall 10 - Summer 1995
The State It's In - editorial: The 'new politics of protest' is now a phrase branded about in mainstream media.
Laing Four Freed - The first road protesters charged under the CJA found guilty
Going Round In Circulars The lip-service and reality of site provision, prejudice and planning. Jim Carey reports on the affect on travellers of the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act
Nine Great Conspiracy Theories to explain the Criminal Justice Act.
Are You Well Red? - A review of books about the Criminal Justice Act, by Sean McSweeney
Free Parties - Sunnyside Style - this is the sound of the underground
Scottish Travelin' Tales - same CJA concerns north of the border (letter to Squall)
Squall 11 - Autumn 1995
New Police Caution Is Not Understood - research finds that people perceive new CJA caution that replaces right-to-silence as a threat
King Arthur Gives It Some In Court - Excalibur-wielding Druid bats off new-fangled CJA law after Stonehenge arrest
First CJA Conviction For Trespassory Assembly - Two people are first to be convicted under Section 70 of CJA
First CJA Squatting Case Collapses - judge turns down Interim Possession Order against Bristol squatters
Travellers Triumph In Court - court precedent will help shield travellers from worst excesses of CJA
Actors Of Parliament - Tory MPs on the Criminal Justice Act Standing Committee go-getters with careers in mind
Ancient Royal Charter Vs Criminal Justice Act - Heather James reports on this year's Tan Hill Fayre near Winchester - an attempt to re-establish our ancient right to celebrate traditional country fayres
Councils To Publish Squat Lists Shock - Jim Paton tells of the blessings woven from the CJA curse
Squall 12 - Spring 1996
Trespassory Assembly - CJA clauses outlawing assemblies of more than 20 people effectively quashed after court appeal
Hunting The Hunters - Andy Johnson looks at the CJA and its affect on hunt saboteurs
Squall 13 - Summer 1996
Aggravated Press Pass - journalists arrested under the CJA
All Systems Are Go - Jez Tucker speaks to Midlands-based free party sound system All Systems about how the CJA is affecting them
Squall 14 - Autumn 1996
Where Now? - Rachel Kano talks to fellow Travellers about surviving the CJA
Raising The Banner - Banner Theatre's latest play a hilarious satire on the Criminal Justice Act
Squall 15 - Summer 1997
Protests Ruled Illegal - CJA test case turn-around confirms police powers
This is a far-from complete list - to see the rest read through the full issues of Squall available here