Necessity Still Breeds Ingenuity - Archive of SQUALL MAGAZINE 1992-2006
Tricameral Sinsemilla by Mick Marlow

News and other Busyness

Cannabis Writer Released

Squall 14, Autumn 1996, pg. 05.

Mick Marlow, who was imprisoned in March for writing a book about cannabis cultivation (see Squall 13 ) was released on September 13th.

Whilst in prison he prepared a draft policy document entitled Cannabis: Burying the myths - Resurrecting the Reality. The paper contains a nine-point plan for the way ahead should cannabis be legalised.

In addition Mick is involved with the formation of MARCUS - Medicinal and Recreational Cannabis Users Symposium. This group aims to take the current cannabis debate up a few notches, and hold regular meetings to discuss positive ways to broaden out the argument, encourage intelligent research and dispel public ignorance about the plant and its uses.

MARCUS is calling for comments on the paper, ideas, subscriptions and help of all sorts. This is a beginning and Mick stresses the need for other groups and individuals to get involved and work towards sensible policies for the medicinal and recreational uses of cannabis.

For a copy of the policy paper send a blank postal order for £3.00 to: (no name) PO BOX 24, Newnham, Glos, GL14 1YA.
Tricameral Sinsemilla by Maria Warner is now available from: Jorg Jenetzky, Post Fach 101589-33515, Bielefeld, Germany.