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October/November 1999 (20 pages, A5)
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BAe and genocide in East Timor / Exodus update / Masons resist parliamentary scrutiny / British nuclear fuels in Japan / 2nd PGA gathering in Bangalore / DSEI arms fair 1999 and Britain's Arms industry / plus more...
The State It's In
- Indoamnesia
- BAe and genocide in East Timor
Straw Jacks Up Smack Facts
- Jack Straw 'off his head' on heroin
MP Amiss As PC's Take The Piss
- Ex-Tory minister fails new drug test
More Protest Looming Where Business Is Kabooming
- Activist block government-backed arms fair
Exodus In Talks With Bedfordshire Landowner
- For possible raves on aristrcrat's land.
Western Waste Fuels East Explosion
Japan receives UK nuclear fuel a week before worst nuclear power accident
Have You Been Fframed
- police photo database of protesters following J18
Feds 'fess Up The Flaming Fanatics
- FBI admit pyrotechnics at Waco
Copper Chopper Helps Hunt Stoppers
- Hunt sabs prevent first Essex Mink Hunt
Aorta Attack
- Ministerial confusion as Britain heads fast-food guzzler league
Guidelines On Herb Haile Controversial
- Judge ye not the rasta and the herb
Select Committee Slams Secret Society
- Freemasons drag heels on public declaration
Frontline Communique - Fukushima, Japan
- photographer Nick Cobbing sends back report from Greenpeace action in Japan against nuclear fuel waste.
Bangin' In Banga
- Jon Towne reports back from the 2nd Peoples' Global Action gathering in Bangalore, in the Indian state of Karnataka
Death Inc: Weapons Technology For The Third Millenium
- DSEI arms fair 1999 and Britain's Arms industry