Necessity Still Breeds Ingenuity - Archive of SQUALL MAGAZINE 1992-2006
Squall 7

Squall 7

'Getting Our Priorities Right'

'Magazine for Assorted Itinerants'
Summer 1994 (36pp A4)

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The State It's In / Summary of CJA Part 5 / Friends, Families and Travellers Support Group / Hackney Special: Hackney Homeless Peoples' Festival / CJA in Hackney / Solsbury Hill / Advance Party CJA protest / Hunt Sabs and the CJA / Artillery Mansions eviction / Letters / Contacts, regulars and more...


3. The State It’s In
- as the CJB makes its final way through the House Of Lords

5. Actors of Parliament
- the theatre continues

6. Injustice Translate
- summary of Part V of the Criminal Justice and Public Order Bill

News Shorts & Other Busyness

Dirty Dramas
- BBC go out looking for a dirty squat for a shooting location

Gypsy Women "Turned Mad" by Bill
- women gypsys form new group to fight the CJB

Six Year Wait For Damages
- finally a payout for police violence against squatter

CoolTan Arts Centre To Close
- Brixton hub of activity to close after plan to buy the building is gazumped

MoD Cons

- Ministry of Defence in greenwash PR shocker

Squatters And Locals Rally Against Sandwiches
- local effort to stop car park and sandwich factory in Hackney

Government Dept Claims Squatters Rights
- road builders occupy land and unbelievably put up a Section 6

Police Tied Up
- Police complain that being force to enforce the CJB when it is enacted will put them under great pressure

10. Travellers, Friends and Families
- Friends, Families and Travellers Support Group view the future, by Steve Staines

11. Some-Where-Set in Somerset
- travellers tales from the West Country

13. Nostalgia? The Choice
- a curator's confusion

Hackney Special

14. The Festival, Council & Scapegoats
- Hackney homeless take the blame

17. The Alternative Ideal Homes Exhibition
- Clissold Park, May 8th

18. Hasty Hackney & The CJB
- who needs new laws? Not Hackney

19. Road Wars
- spotlight on the battle for Solsbury Hill

22. The Jewel in the Mud Award
- this issue's selected media gem: George Monbiot gives historical context to what the CJB is attacking.

23. FreeNet
- the Freedom Network has a 'Bill's Picnic' against the CJB at Hyde Park.

24. Advance For A Free Future
- a personal view of the May 1st London mass demonstration against the CJB by Debbie Staunton

25. The Real Criminals
- hunt saboteur Paul Davis examines the truth behind the false claims made about hunt sabs, and how CJB laws will affect them

28. Forked Tongues & Tongue Ties
- the Government tries to silence critics - as well as charities and other groups involved in - helping the homeless and travellers

29. Rest In Peace
- memorial march in London for homeless deaths

30. The Last Press Release
- the eviction of Artillery Mansions occupation in Westminster on April 22nd (1994)

31. Consultation Exorcise
- in this issue we see comments in a Govt consultation paper relating to the removal of statutory housing for 'priority need' homeless families

32. Letters

34. Contacts

July/August 1994
The State It's In:
Criminal Justice Bill delayed by amendments in House Of Lords.