The Post Bag: Letters To Squall
Bristol Squatters
Squall 07, Summer 1994, pg. 33.
Dear Squall,
Just thought I’d keep you informed of the latest developments in the West Country.
We are no longer residing at 2 Sussex Place but a community centre may let us use some of their space. I’ll write to you as and when this happens.
We have become involved in a major campaign against a so-called “bypass” in Batheaston, on the outskirts of Bath. The DoT are trying to plough a dual carriageway right next to Solsbury Hill under the pretence that it is a bypass. However, it’s been revealed that it is actually set to be widened shortly after construction and linked up to another bypass as part of a secret "euro-route" across England. All the Twyford/Wanstonia type people are there and we're networking with them in order to help each other. We have already opened up three squats in the area, and a fourth is on the way. Should be a great Summer!
In case you didn't know, the Government has a load more anti-homeless legislation on the cards to coincide with the CJB. Basically they want to abolish the rights of homeless people to be permanently housed. It seems to me that they are trying to block up the valve on a boiling pressure cooker.... maybe they want to put us all in Nazi-style camps after they abolish all our rights! lf you have any news pass it on.
Andy Trickett (Secretary)
Bristol Housing Action Movement