Necessity Still Breeds Ingenuity - Archive of SQUALL MAGAZINE 1992-2006
Squatters Handbook 10th Edition

Book Reviews

Squatters Handbook

Squatters Handbook 10th Edition

Squall 13, Summer 1996, pg. 63.

“People who don’t know the law are easier to con, abuse and push around.”

So says the newest (10th) edition of the now legendary Squatters’ Handbook, produced by the Advisory Service for Squatters (ASS).

The new version includes updated information on the law regarding squatting; advice on finding a place; practical tips on moving in and securing a new squat (including a handy diagrams); and dead sensible sections on contacting owners, dealing with police and getting utilities connected. The Getting a Place Together chapter gives the soundest practical advice on initial repairs and squatmaintenance you’re likely to find.

Legal information is presented in easy to suss boxes. There is a particularly impressive list of questions owners have to answer in the new Interim Possession Order affidavits with suggested replies, a copy of a court summons and, basically everything you need to know about the eviction process and your rights within it.

There’s a little bit of squatters’ history and an overview of the current situation stressing the need for the development of strong local squatting groups to ensure that squatters can take an effective role in the ongoing battle “for decent, accessible housing FOR ALL.”

The Squatters’ handbook is available from the ASS at the bargain price of £1. Don’t crack a home without it.