Necessity Still Breeds Ingenuity - Archive of SQUALL MAGAZINE 1992-2006

The Post Bag: Letters To Squall

Clark Defender

Squall 11, Autumn 1995, pg 86.

Dear Squall,

In the last issue you had an article about Culture cash-ins on Raves and Festivals (Squall 10).

It is an appropriate story because this kind of thing happens often but in one case I’m certain you picked the wrong target in Fraser Clark.

I can’t say I know him as well as his co-workers at Megatripolis but since 1990 I’ve seen him as an important catalyst in building a politicised youth consciousness with little thought to his personal finances.

He was for years publisher of Encyclopaedia Psychedelia and put on numerous Zippy Picnics and organised a large LSD Bike Ride in Hyde Park.

At his Evolution Playshops he invited speakers such as Terence McKenna, Timothy Leary and Rupert Sheldrake. All such activities were forerunners to many FN events, (and non-profit).

Your article didn’t say if Fraser walked away with £5,000 or £50,000 when he flew west to carry on his ‘work’ but it’s not as if he bought a flash car or something.

He would be the first to point a finger at people who are only in it for the money as evidenced by his being withdrawn from the Glastonbury Program in 1990 for asking awkward questions.

Barry New
The Ecology Co.