Necessity Still Breeds Ingenuity - Archive of SQUALL MAGAZINE 1992-2006

The Post Bag: Letters To Squall

The Earth & The Tribe

Squall 6, Spring 1994, pg. 40.

Dear Squall

I've just read your issue 4 and it was excellent.

I’ve just moved to Derby after spending the last two and a half years on the road with various groups of travellers. Before that I squatted in Hackney, New Cross, Peckham and Dalston. I was impressed with the mag as it covered national squatting issues and legislation concerning travellers.

The new laws affecting travellers were one of the reasons I decided to quit my van. A lot of people I used to be with have either gone, or are planning to go, abroad, mostly to Spain or Ireland. Its getting so authoritarian and intolerant of other peoples lives over here, it reminds me of the break up of the GLC and how that effected us in London at the time.

The Tories look upon us now (as then) as good scapegoats for why their social policies aren't working (and is in fact making society harder, less caring and more ignorant). How we can be blamed for the rise in homelessness and the fact that more and more people are trying to evade a corrupt society I don't know.

Politicians of all shades seem to think they can lay the blame at our door as a distraction for all their failings. I guess it's easier than looking for the truth or trying to combat the errors and uncaring policies that are destroying much that is valuable and worthwhile in our lives. People wonder why I (and so many others) want nothing to do with them or their ideas of what's right and wrong, good or bad, corrupt or honourable, when the only thing that is plain is the stink of hypocrisy which pervades everything, particularly where money and power are involved. All I can say is fuck 'em all, why should I care about them when they obviously only care for us when it's convenient for them to use us?

No masters, no religions, no gods. I care for my loved ones, the Earth and the Tribe, that's it.
