Necessity Still Breeds Ingenuity - Archive of SQUALL MAGAZINE 1992-2006
DExodus Collective, Luton
Photo by Nick Cobbing.

News and other Busyness

Exodus Enquiry Blocked

Squall 16, Summer 1998, pg. 10.

The public enquiry into the malevolent activities of Bedfordshire Police and others against the Exodus Collective has been blocked by the Home Office. Bedfordshire Council voted for the public enquiry after a full council meeting in 1995.

However, the Home Office under the auspices of the previous Tory incumbent, Michael Howard refused to fund it. Renewed efforts to rekindle the enquiry were initiated by Beds councillor Andrew Dodghson following the general election. However, although acknowledging the "disquiet about allegations of police misconduct" Home Office minister Alun Michael once again refused the requested funding.

In a letter to Dodghson in May, Michael said the Police Complaints Authority (PCA) should be approached instead. Dodghson has now written back to the Home Office reminding Michael that the reason why Bedfordshire had made such a request to the Home Office was because other agencies than the police were involved in the malevolence and therefore any enquiries are outside the remit of the PCA.