Necessity Still Breeds Ingenuity - Archive of SQUALL MAGAZINE 1992-2006


Squall 13, Summer 1996, pg. 57.

[* Websites with red asterisks have been linked to Wayback Machine archived snapshots of the sites where available, so they can be viewed as they appeared in 1996, or thereabouts. Any link which isn't live unfortunately wasn't archived on Wayback Machine].

Top Sites

With 1700 pages and about 30 megabytes of textual, audio and video data, this is the largest collection of material on any multinational on the Internet, according to the Mclibel Support Campaign. Some of the highlights of the site include a “Real Audio” guided tour of the site by the McLibel Two (Helen Steel and Dave Morris), a thirty second clip from the “Jungleburger” video, witness statements and campaigns from fourteen countries from around the globe.

There are also excellent weekly updates on events in court and out. A golden example of the future of information dispersal activism.

The Land Is Ours
Focussing on the issue of derelict land in the UK and attempts to claim it back.

Newbury Campaign *
Up to the minute information on the action against the bypass, with pictures, news reports and daily updates.

Reclaim The Streets
Campaign against roadbuilding and for cheaper public transport’

Stonehenge Campaign
Campaign fighting for solstice festivals at the Stones.

World-wide Moo Page
As its name suggests this bovine brainstorm of a website is dedicated to our cud-chewing friends...What at first appears to be a bit of fun actually turns out to be academically well researched.

Censorship And The Internet *
A wide range of censorship information including articles which discuss international electronic information laws.

Statewatch Home Page *
Maintains a database of relevant articles.

Stop Nuclear Tests! Home Page
55,000 plus signatories have signed up to this e-mail campaign. The site has articles on this subject - sign up.

Free Mumia Abu-Jamal
Campaigning for the release of the black human rights activist.

pHreak WebHub
Main site of SQUALL’s web provider, with webpages from many organisations such as the musician’s network.

Zion Train @ The Dragon’s Lair
Wide range of musical information, especially music of a conscious political/ecological nature.

Animal Rights Resource Site *
As it says!

Spunk Press *
Anarchist information resource.

Yahoo - Society And Culture: Animal Rights
Yahoo is one of the most popular search engines* on the web. It is worth checking their search options as they have a wide range of information of interest to SQUALL readers. To do a general search go to

Cambridge Anti CJA
Covers live exports, bloodsports, the CJAPO Act and local activism in the Cambridge area.

The Criminal Justice And Public Order Act
Under construction, this site has an array of information, including news from Critical Mass.

Footballers Against The CJA
Discusses issues such as the national I.D. scheme and the right to protest.

Anti-Criminal Justice Act Home Page
Information on the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994, human rights, animal rights.
(the cjb page was unavailable but * itself was an interesting snapshot of UK rave culture)

One World *
A global resource with access to over 50 international organisations, concerned with the environment, human rights and social equality.

Justice *
The on-line Schnews service, with issues dating back to April 1995.

* A Search Engine is a database which is searchable on the web. Simply typing in the words Criminal Justice Act will give you a successful hit!

SQUALL’s website is viewable at

Shite Site

Those luverly people over at Shell have produced a website ( for their American arm. On this site, the sun is always shining and its always a great day to be out for a drive in the countryside™.

Foolishly they provide an e-mail address where you can send comments:

Ben Schneider