Necessity Still Breeds Ingenuity - Archive of SQUALL MAGAZINE 1992-2006


Squall 11, Autumn 1995, pg. 41.

Jim Chambers and Stuart Edwards

Jim Chambers and Stuart Edwards are currently in Pentonville. They were both sentenced to 18 months for causing £36,000 of criminal damage to cranes and diggers on the Finchley section of the North Circular road-widening scheme. An appeal is pending due to countless discrepancies during the trial. A vigil in their support was held outside the prison in*?*. Similar actions are planned.

Jim Chambers, PB2504
Stuart Edwards, PB1864
HMP Pentonville, Caledonian Road, N7

SQUALL has received a number of letters from prisoners who make it clear that outside contacts are very important to them. The knowledge that someone other than your family and friends cares about what happens to you can make all the difference to a day inside. All the prisoners mentioned here would welcome letters of support from SQUALL readers.

Letter from Mark Skelly

Dear Squall,

I was arrested on the Criminal Justice Bill Demo in Hyde Park on October 9th 1995.

I was charged with causing an affray and received 12 month in jail (first offence)!

I am an international traveller and have lived on many sites in England. I have been very depressed due to my lack of freedom and the very strict regime in this shit jail (Brixton) has now been moved to Renby - SQ). I am hardly getting any support and wondered if you could forward my name and address to anybody printing newsletters, magazines etc, in the hope of receiving letters.

I was active politically when I was still free and would love to receive any information regarding anti-CJB activities, any leftwing activities whatsoever.

Please see what you can do for me and I look forward to any feedback. It’s very lonely in here.


Mark Skelly
F.H. 1589
HMP Ranby