Necessity Still Breeds Ingenuity - Archive of SQUALL MAGAZINE 1992-2006

News Shorts & Other Busyness

Charity Presses Squatting Concern

Squall 5, Oct/Nov 1993, pg. 26.

CHAR (Housing Campaign for Single Homeless) issued a press release on June 7th entitled “Squatters become Scapegoats for Government Failure on Homelessness”. Jon Fitzmaurice, Director of the charity, was quoted in the release as saying: "Any extension of the Criminal Law is likely to prove impractical and expensive, and result in a further rise in homelessness.”

At around the same time Joe Oldman, a campaigner with CHAR, wrote to The Independent newspaper saying: “Increasingly, many young people and students are force to squat because they are denied benefits and cannot gain entry to expensive private accommodation.”