Squall Download 3
March/April 2000 (28 pages, A5)
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Millennium Dome Is Dead Duck / Organiser of Cannabis Festival Found Not Guilty / Greenpeace nuclear fuel action / Reefer Gladness / Newcastle millennium free party / The Beach - the film that ripped up paradise / New Deals Down On The Farm / Raising Terror / Subvertising / and more...
The State It's In
- Dome Is Dead Donald Duck
- A view over the UK from Squall central
Squatted Mansions
- Oval Mansions, a group of tenement blocks squatted since the 1970s is being evicted
Prison Pops Up
- Prison inmate numbers on steep climb
Fresh Food, Rotten Prices
- Supermarkets ripping us off with organic pricing
Two Jags Knocks Back Tenants
- Prescott plans demise of social housing
Top Pot Trio Were Not Brass Banned
- Cannabis festival co-organiser Shane Collins found 'Not Guilty'
New Website Image Bank For UK Subvertisers
- taking corporate iconography and throwing it right back in their faces
Thin Blue Line's Big Fat Lies Shielded By Red Tape
- Jack Straw censors damning European report on police malpractice and accountabililty in the UK
- protest outside US Embassy in London against America's refusal to return a Cuban boy found at sea in the Florida Straits
Drug Company Tests On Left-Wingers
- French drug company in advanced employee scrutiny
GM Cows
- Protest at Canadian consulate as countries meet over regulating the global trade of genetically modified organisms (GMO).
Chips Are Down For GM Crops
- Now US farmers are turning against GM seed
More Botched MOX Boxes Scotched?
- Japan says 'No' to UK nuclear fuel
Lottery Within Tent
- Another £60 million of lottery money to bail out the
dome, which should be going to actual charities
Get Ye Behind Us Celera
- Fresh from providing an alternative take on the Seattle WTO talks for Channel Four News, comedian Rob Newman returned to the UK with something else on his mind.
Reefer Gladness
- With the UK now having the highest incidence of cannabis use in Europe, public debate is now pointing towards relaxation of laws.
2;30am, Jan 1st, 2000AD, Newcastle upon Tyne, England
- Whilst the official millennium events celebrated UK plc, underground free parties were still deemed unacceptable. Phil Rigby reports from Newcastle on the riot squad’s new year present to the geordie ravers.
The Beach - Countdown To Doomsday
- Filmmaker and writer Neil Goodwin reveals how Leonardo DiCaprio’s latest Hollywood offering has ripped up paradise.
New Deals Down On The Farm
- A multi-ethnic housing estate, on which many of Exodus Collective of Luton were born and live, is coming together in a New Deal for Communities bid
Raising Terror
- The liberty-corroding Terrorism Bill is speeding its way through parliament. Si Mitchell examines the implications.