Necessity Still Breeds Ingenuity - Archive of SQUALL MAGAZINE 1992-2006


'SQUALL And SchNEWS Back To Back'

Published by SQUALL and SchNEWS
June 2000
280 pages, B5 
ISBN 09529748-3-5

"IT'S ALL HERE: genetically modified organisms, animal rights, freemasons, June 18th '99 international day of action against capitalism, Exodus Collective, Cuba, the November 30th '99 Battle for Seattle, climate change, parties and festivals, indigenous peoples' resistance to multinational corporations, the privatisation of everything in sight, crap arrests of the week, prisoner support and much more…the full lowdown on the direct action movement in Britain and abroad! The SchQUALL book is packed full of quality photos from top frontline photographers including Nick Cobbing, Ivan Coleman, and Ian Hunter, and crammed with cartoons by Kate Evans, Polyp, Isy, Pete Loveday and others - plus all the usual satirical humour, wry cynicism and a massive contacts database of over 700 grassroots organisations, campaign groups, websites, zines, people and places…"

To read the SchNEWS articles in the book from the same period click here

Squall Content

All articles were previously published in print or online by SQUALL

Blanking The Organic
Organic farming vs GM foods... the political battle rages in the UK - The State It’s In editorial - Oct 1999

Assemblies Of Celebration, Assemblies Of Dissent
The strategic political attack on travellers, free raves and festivals - Feature - 1998

Who's Policing The Police?
A prominent European Committee for the Prevention of Torture (CPT) has been censored by one particular nation under investigation: the UK - Feature - 2000

Cannabis Mayday Festival Triumphs
Hugely successful Mayday Cannabis Festival marching from Brixton to gather in the sunshine at Clapham Common - Underground Update - May 1999

Smoke Signals
Cannabis and the gap between Govt policies and reality - The State It’s In editorial - April 2000

Boyz In The Hood
Freemasons and the British judiciary - Feature - Squall 16, Summer 1998.

New Deal Down On The Farm
A multi-ethnic housing estate, on which many of Exodus Collective of Luton were born and live, is coming together in a New Deal for Communities bid - Feature - Spring 2000

Active On The Airways
Pirate radio's politicos's, Interference FM - Frontline Communique - 2000

Stonehenge Summer Solstice
Solstice celebrations at the stones marred by riot police - Underground Update - June 1999

Stopping Mox Boxes
Jousting with the riot police off the coast of Japan - Frontline Communique - 27th Sept 1999

Bangin' In Banga
The second conference of People's Global Action took place in Bangalore in the southern Indian state of Karnataka - Feature - Sept 1999

A Free Mann At Last
Animal rights activist Keith Mann describes the surprise of being released from prison - Frontline Communique - March 1999

Death Inc: Weapons Technology For The Third Millenium
The largest ever government backed arms sale on UK soil took place in September '99, confirming Britain's position as the second biggest arms dealer in the world - Feature - Sept 1999

Sun, Salsa And Socialismo
SQUALL accompanies a sound system to Cuba for the fortieth anniversary of their revolution. Forget everything you've ever read in the British media about this extraordinary country - Feature - July 1999

Reefer Gladness
With the UK now having the highest incidence of cannabis use in Europe, public debate is now pointing towards relaxation of laws - Underground Update - March 2000

Britain's history of supplying Indonesian regimes from Suharto onwards with arms - The State It’s In editorial - Sept 1999

Trident Computers Go Overboard In Lock Goil
Establishing an extraordinary legal precedent, three Trident Ploughshares activists are acquitted in court of causing criminal damage at Faslane nuclear naval base - Frontline Communique - 1st Sept 1999

Select Committee Slams Secret Society
Freemasons criticised by Home Affairs Select Committee for failing to declare membership and influence in public institutions like the police - Underground Update - Oct 1999

Crash, Bang, Wallop, Wot A Picture
Eye witness report from N30 demo outside Euston station - Frontline Communique - Nov 1999

Why the world is suddenly taking a stance against the WTO and its stealthy ambitions - Feature - Nov 1999

Cancer Spray
Tear gas used by Seattle Police against anti-WTO activists found to contain carcinogen - Underground Update - Nov 1999

Battle For Seattle - Wooden Bullets And Butt Plugs On Capitol Hill
On the spot report from the thick of the anti-WTO demonstration in Seattle - Frontline Communique - Nov 1999

2.30am, Jan 1st 2000 AD, Newcastle
Eye witness account as riot cops bust free party on millennium night - Frontline Communique - Jan 2000

Cambridge Two Imprisoned
Two social workers were jailed for failing to grass on alleged drug dealing in the homeless drop-in centre where they worked in Cambridge. They write from prison - Frontline Communique - 17th Feb 2000

Raising Terror
The Terrorism Bill currently hurrying through parliament could be one of the most liberty-corrosive pieces of legislation for decades - Feature - March 2000

Gaia's Slap - Atmosfear In The 21st Century
Weird weather, climate change and nasty insects. Sixty one British meteorological records broken over the last 20 years, climate change and global warming are cause for major concern - Feature - May 2000

The Hills Have Ears
A little piece of the US in Britain, Menwith Hill is a telecommunications spy base - Feature - Squall 16, Summer 1998