Necessity Still Breeds Ingenuity - Archive of SQUALL MAGAZINE 1992-2006

Trumping The Censors

Activists organise public screening of controversial film

25th April 2002

A film, which British police tried to ban from UK cinema's, is to be projected onto the headquarters of Channel Four Television on April 30th.

The film, called 'Injustice', is a powerfully moving insight into the struggle of those families whose kin have died in police custody. Originally, the Police Federation were keen to prevent the film being shown at all, and several cinema's report attempts to "dissuade" them from screening. However, amongst the many cinema's in the UK who have gone ahead with showings are the Prince Charles in Leicester Square and the Ritzy in Brixton.

Channel Four, however, have continually refused to broadcast the film, possibly afraid of the notoriously litigious Police Federation.

Supporters of the film, which has become a major cause celebre for those involved in social justice and independent media, say Channel Four's licence requires them to broadcast programmes of significant social import such as 'Injustice'.

The event is part of the Mayday Festival of Alternatives and will take place at 9pm at Channel Four's HQ, 124 Horseferry Road London SW1.