Necessity Still Breeds Ingenuity - Archive of SQUALL MAGAZINE 1992-2006

New Blood For Art Attack Subversives

New website image bank for UK subvertisers

1st March 2000 / Squall Download 3, March/April 2000, pg. 9.

A new UK website, launched on February 20, aims to provide a massive database of subverts, cartoons, and spoof banners covering a wide range of radical issues. No trade mark will be safe from the re-designers hands now that * have arrived according to the network of art activists who have set up the image bank.

"Subvertising is the art-form of the post-corporate millennium," asserts Daphne Locke, one of the artists behind the project. "It is the 'writing on the wall', the sticker on the lamp post, the corrected rewording on the billboard and the spoof message on the T-shirt. But it is also the mass act of defiance of the street protest. The key process involves redefining and reclaiming our environment from the corporate beast." has been launched initially by the Gaffers Radical Arts Collective and I-Contact Video Network in Oxford, but they now intend to build a global network of contributors. Non-commercial websites and hardcopy magazines will be able to use the spoof banners and altered adverts for no cost in a similar scheme to that run by the Canadian group Adbusters.