Book Reviews
Friends & Families of Travellers
have produced two new publications for travellers.
Squall 13, Summer 1996, pg. 63.
Confined, Constrained and Condemned: Civil Rights and Travellers
(£5.00+50p p&p)
Looks at the depletion of traditional sites; the ways in which travellers are misrepresented by the media, excluded from the planning system, harassed, demonised and denied basic respect.
A chapter on local authority policies includes spot-on research on the cost of policies designed to ‘solve’ the traveller ‘problem’ via eviction rather than through long-term sustainable solutions. As a taster: Avon County Council estimate that in 1994/95 the total cost of evictions including service costs and compensation to aggrieved landowners was in excess of £700,000.
There are also sections on the effects of the CJA, police surveillance and the role of security firms in dealing with the unauthorised occupation of land. An excellently researched study of attempts to legislate, bully and news-manufacture away nomadic lifestyles.
A Travellers’ Guide
(£3.00+50p p&p)
Offers straightforward practical and legal advice for travellers. From finding your way around the benefit system to making a planning application and appeal (if it’s turned down), finding a doctor, solicitor or a school whilst on the road the guide is packed with essential facts and handy tips. Includes an excellent contacts section for travellers’ support and a really comprehensive nationwide list of appropriate solicitors. Buy a copy.
Both publications are available from
Friends, Families and Travellers,
50 Benedict Street,
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Travellers, Friends and Families - Friends, Families and Travellers Support Group view the future, by Steve Staines - Squall 7, Summer 1994