Squall 06, Spring 1994, pg. 42.
Most of the groups listed below are run by volunteers on non-existent budgets. If you want information or any of the publications mentioned make sure you send the required money plus as much extra (donation) as you can afford. Give more - Get more.
Advisory Service for Squatters (ASS)
- Gurus of the Squatting world. Open for advice, practical and legal, at
2 St Paul’s Rd, London N1 2QN from 2-6pm.
Tel: 071 359 8814.
SQUASH, Squatters Action for Secure Homes
- Voluntary group set up to oppose legislation against of squatting. Action, lobbying & meetings.
SQUASH, 2 St Paul’s Rd, London N1 2QN.
Tel: 071 226 8938.
- "National Council for Civil Liberties." Campaigning against Criminal Justice Bill, for travellers' rights (amongst many others), mainly media, lobbying & parliamentary (esp. European).
Liberty, 21 Tabard St, London SE1 4LA.
Tel: 071 403 3888.
Save the Children
- "Working for a better world for children." Do lots of behind the scenes work for traveller's rights. Liaise with large numbers of local traveller support/action groups across the country. Can put you in contact.
Save the Children Fund, 17 Grove Lane, London SE5 8RD.
Tel: 071 703 5400.
Freedom Network
Coordinating opposition to the Criminal Justice Bill. Meetings, networking, information, actions.
The Freedom Network, c/o The Green Office, The Old Dolehouse, 372 Coldharbour Lane, Brixton, London SW9.
Tel: 071 738 6721.
Advance Party
- "The Right to Party?" Representing ravers, party-goers, festies & organisers. Campaigning against Criminal Justice Bill, information, action, 'rights cards', meetings.
Advance Party, PO Box 3290, London NW2 3UJ.
Tel: 081 959 7275.
Tottenham Squatters
- Ground support for Haringey and based at the
Unwaged Centre, 72 West Green Rd, London N15.
Bristol Housing Action Movement
‘Homeless? Don’t be - Squatting is still legal!’ - A collective of squatters and
friends who advise and assist wherever possible to ensure that you have somewhere to live. Sessions every weekday afternoon between 12&4pm.
BHAM, 2 Sussex Place, St Paul's, Bristol.
Hackney Squatters Advice Service
- Open sessions between 6.30 & 8.30 on the first and third Tuesday of every month at
The Colin Roach Centre, 10a Bradbury St, Dalston, London N16.
Homeless Occupiers Project
- Southwark's advisory service for squatters. Fighting the proposed criminalisation. Information, advice & meetings. Mon-Fri 4-7pm at
612 Old Kent Rd, London SE15.
Tel: 071 277 7639.
Squatters Estate Agency (Oxford)
- Support for squatters in Oxford, keeping track of the media and the police (see 'This Is The Squatters Estate Agency' on page 25).
Box A, 111 Magdelen Rd, Oxford OX4 1RQ.
M-11 Link Road Campaign
- NVDA against the M11 extension now moving on Leytonstone. Successful, very active group, currently getting lots of media attention (see 'Road-House Blues' on page 13).
NEW OFFICE: 211 The Arches, off Grove Green Rd, London E11 4AJ.
Tel: 081 558 2638.
Road Alert
- Coordinating anti road protests across the country. Opposition to Criminal Justice Bill. Information, latest news, actions, networking.
Road Alert, PO Box 371, Southampton, Hants. SO9 7BS.
Tel: 0703 237809.
Friends and Relatives of Traveller's Support Group
- "All citizens of a free society should have the right to travel and the right to stop without fear of persecution because of their lifestyle." SAE for information:
Steve Staines, 33 Bryanston St, Blandford Forum, Dorset DT11 7AZ.
Tel: 0258 453 695.

121 Centre
- Cafe, bookshop, meeting place, advice centre for those interested in squatting, women’s issues, unemployment and the state of the nation. Run by squatters at
121 Railton Rd, Brixton, London SE24.
Tel: 071 274 6655.
The 56a Info Shop
- News, action & meeting place, books, teashop, records, comics. Squatting, counter-culture & lots of small press stuff. Open Mon, Thurs, Fri 3-7pm.
56 Crampton St, London SE17.
Cool Tan Arts
- A collection of artistically active squatters who run regular cafes, lots of workshops, informative cinema & video, events & music. Contributions, ideas & help welcome. For more information contact
Cool Tan Arts, The Old Dolehouse, 372 Coldharbour Lane, Brixton, London.
Tel: 071 737 2745/0100.
Rainbow Centre
- Networking point for tribal issues, squatting, travelling, festivals, dongas, anti-roads, eco & Criminal Justice. Arts space, workshops, meetings Information.
Rainbow Centre, c/o The Olde Church, 23 Highgate Rd, Kentish Town NW5.
Tel: 0831 195 223.
FIN (Free Information Network)
Newsheets published as and when containing up to date information, festival news, events etc. SAE to your local branch.
- AberdeenFIN - 36 Buchan Rd, Torry, Aberdeen AB1 3SW.
- DoleFIN** - c/o 32 Hill Rd, Pinner, Middx, HA5 1JZ.
- EFFIN - c/o York, The Coffee Bar Grassroots, 58 Charles Street, Cardiff.
- GuilFIN - PO Box 217, Guildford, Surrey
- IsisBrumFIN - c/o 29 Silverton, Cresc, Moseley, Birm B13 9ND.
- LondonFIN - c/o 99 Torriano Av, London NW5 2RX
- MerseyFIN** - PO Box 110, Liverpool L69 6AU.
- MoorFIN - 3 Church St, Calstock, Cornwall.
- NeverNeverFIN - 8 Campbell Rd, Southsea, Hants.
- NottFIN - c/o The Rainbow Centre, 180 Mansfield Rd, Nottingham.
- OXFIN** - 21 Cave St, Oxford, OX4 1BA
- ShefFIN - The Ecology Co, 199 Crookes Valley Rd, Sheffield.
- WalsallFIN** - c/o 17 Newball House, Newball St, Caldmere, Walsall, WS1 3DY
- HIFIN - Box 15, 138 Kingsland High St, London, E8 2NS
- Magazine for travellers of the New Age and all interested. News, reviews, Stonehenge campaign, festivals, environment. A5 SAE + 50p for each back issue, £1 + A5 SAE for bumber issue 13..
Monolith productions, PO Box 4, Syston, Leicestershire LE7 4RD.
Tribal Messenger
- Magazine for travellers. Massive, A4. News, interviews, festival guide, Gypsies, photos, New Age, history, criminalisation, press cuttings, letters, comment. £1 + 80p P&P from;
Tribal Messenger, Box 21,118 Grovenor Rd, St Paul’s, Bristol, BS2.
Festival Eye
- "Stand up for your rights." A4 format for travellers featuring mind food, Glastonbury, new archaeology, Stonehenge campaign, Liberty, Travellers’ Tales, what the papers say, festival listings, photos, cartoons. £1 + 60p P&P from;
Festival Eye, BCM, Box 2002, London WC1N 3XX.
Stonehenge Campaign
- Stonehenge belongs to you and me. Newsheets, information & meetings. SAE + donation to;
Stonehenge Campaign, 99 Torriano Av, London NW5 2RX.
Green Wing
- "The Information and Networking Magazine for Greater London." Monthly mag with news, dates, contacts and green features. Articles on squatting & travelling. 50p + A5 SAE to:
Green Wing, The Green Office, 200 Cambridge Heath Rd, Bethnal Green, London E2 9PA.
- Mag published by Robin’s Greenwood Gang. Emphasis on lack of access to land, pagan, travellers, Stonehenge, camps and festivals. 60p + SAE to:
Greenleaf, 96 Church Rd, Redfield, Bristol 5.
- "Counter culture ’90’s style." Underground mag. documenting DIY culture; Dongas, travellers, squatters, clubs, networks, sound systems, news & "Fluffy love protests". £2 gets you on the mailing list:
POD HQ, PO Box 23, London SE4 1SW.
- Part of the European Counter Network. Radical mag with occasional articles on squatting and travellers. Available from the 56 Info Shop (Address above).
- "Cross currents in under-the-counter culture". Mag review and listing over 100 small press zines, pamphlets, books & whatever. Excellent production from Oxford activists connecting you to "a whole chunk of the independent, alternative and dissident underground". £1 + A4 SAE to:
ByPass, c/o 21 Cave St, Oxford, OX4 1BA.
Mother Clan
- "The re-emergence of the Goddess." Part of the FIN network. Travellers, festivals, healing, 'toons, news clippings, articles, eco-activists, poetry and contacts. Free (donation), SAE to:
Mother Clan, 29 Silverton Crescent, Moseley, Birmingham B13 9NH.
London Psychogeographical Association
- Newsletter documenting Masons, Dongas, Eco-activists, festivals, travellers, astrological influences, ley & power lines. Send SAE to:
LPA (ELS), Box 15, 138 Kingsland High St, London E8 2NS.