Necessity Still Breeds Ingenuity - Archive of SQUALL MAGAZINE 1992-2006

Codpiece Could Be Dangerous

Warning from dietary body over contaminated UK fish

Squall Download 2, Dec-1999/Jan-2000, pg. 7.

Healthy adults have been advised by the British Dietetic Association (BDA) to eat only one oily fish a week after recent government research found traces of dioxin and PCBs in fish caught in British waters.

The BDA's recommendation states that unless an adult is at high risk of heart disease, they should regulate fish consumption to one a week due to “potential problems of contamination of fish and fish oils with PCB and dioxin”.

The two pollutants are associated with cancer and hormonal disfunction in humans. Traces were found to be the highest in oily fish like mackerel, herring, sardines and salmon. The increase in Salmon farming in the UK has produced a dramatic drop in price for a fish once sold as an expensive luxury. Some chip shops in the UK now sell battered salmon cheaper than cod following price drops subsequent to the UK’s growing intensive salmon farming industry. Salmon reared in such a way are treated with antibiotics and pest control chemicals as well as being kept in underwater pens sluiced with water from seas contaminated with Dioxin and PCBs.

The latest research compounds a series of recent public outcries over impact of chemical farming and livestock antibiotics on the quality of food.